18: Leave it to Nintendo...

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Chapter 18 already that's crazy!!! Finally introducing Yelena to Animal Crossing because I decided she would go insane over it de nada :)))

Content warnings: Natasha

"You sound like an Animal Crossing villager."

Yelena pauses what she's doing immediately and whips her head around to look at Kate, her expression scrutinizing. "I sound like what?"

She had finished her shower and put on some light makeup and sweats before laying on the floor and snuggling with the dogs, cradling their heads in her hands and talking to them softly in the cutest Russian puppy voice that Kate had ever heard. While it was absolutely adorable and she could die happy if Yelena stabbed her and talked to her like that as she bled out, it was also scarily accurate when compared to the Animalese the villages spoke in Animal Crossing. She couldn't just not point it out.

"You sound like an Animal Crossing villager," Kate says again, laughing to herself. Yelena's frown deepens, and Kate feels a strike of horror when she sees confusion on her friend's face.

"What is... an 'Animal Crossing villager'?"


"'No' what?"

"Tell me you're joking."

"Kate Bishop, what in the shit are you talking about?"

"This is a tragedy."

Yelena stands in a huff and strides to Kate, grabbing her biceps. "You're making me worried, Kate Bishop. What are you talking about?"

Kate's jaw is slack. "You don't know what Animal Crossing is."

"Kate Bishop."


"Kate Bishop. What is Animal Crossing?"

"This is horrible."

Yelena looks beyond unimpressed. "Kate, I'm about to pack up my clothes and my dog and leave. What the fuck are you talking about?"

Kate suddenly spins around and grabs her boots and coat and throws them on. "Grab some shoes, Yelena. We're going on a field trip."

Yelena folds her arms over her chest. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what an Animal Crossing is, Kate Bishop."

Kate's grin is almost feral. "The best fucking thing ever created on the face of the Earth, that's what. Just you wait, beautiful. I'm about to change your life."


Luckily, Yelena makes no protests once they're in their Uber and she's able to press her face to the car window to watch the city pass them by as they drive. Kate watches her with a fond smile after asking the driver to take them to the nearest Nintendo store.

It's a beautiful January day, with a light layering of snow and the clouds threatening more where the cold sunlight isn't streaming through them. Yelena sighs wistfully, watching it all with a bright interest. Even without Christmas, New York City had a magic to it. Maybe it was completely different to a resident native like Kate, but Yelena was glad she could appreciate the mystery and grandeur of it all.

"Where exactly are we going again, Kate Bishop?" she asks after about ten minutes, finally removing her cheek from the cold glass. Kate looks up from her phone and smiles mischievously.

"The wonderful world of Nintendo, milady."

Yelena only sighs and accepts that her friend is going to keep being cheesy and elusive. She wonders if Lucky acts this way with Fanny.

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