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It's time for a party

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It's time for a party. After I told Jasmine that I met him again she couldn't stop rambling and teasing me . But got pissed when she got to know that we didn't exchange numbers and she was at the same thing as before that we will meet again . She was so invested in it that she started to search for his social media accounts

Cami hit my shoulder slightly bringing me back from my thoughts "where are you lost ? Let's go" she said, pulling me in . Ian held his party at his own house. I thought it would be another location. When we entered I was starstruck with the house actually it was a mansion , where I assumed it would be a noisy party but the inside was totally different.

Apparently he is the son of one of the richest families in Australia . And I got to know that a few hours ago when I went to pick up the donuts. Cami gave me an ear full after knowing that I selected donuts as a present for a millionaire's son .

I couldn't tell her about Asher and couldn't blame him either . He didn't know about Ian's family nor did I yesterday at a point I thought that donuts is a great gift but now after seeing the mountain of large gift boxes set aside in the hall my dear trust had abandoned me

Everyone dressed in formal attire suits and dresses. It looked more like a business party instead of a birthday celebration.I am so glad I chose a simple black dress instead of Jasmine's glitter dress. I would look like a disco ball here.

"Camilia, Jasmine Glad you could make it" Ian said making his way through the hall holding a glass of champagne in his right hand followed by Max and Julian. He first hugged Camilia then me , dressed up in a 3 piece suit. He was looking like a multi millionaire, totally opposite from what I saw the other day .

"Happy Birthday Ian'' Cami wished him "Happy Birthday Ian , I didn't know what to give you so I just bought a simple thing hope you don't mind" I said and forwarded the donut box to him , Cami crossed her fingers , I hope he doesn't get pissed "are these donuts?" His voice showed a tone of amusement . I nodded in response , Cami sucked in her breath, Julian whispered to Cami about something it was only max who was smiling widely

"I love it! How did you know I like them?" Ian shrieked . We all looked at each other "You do?" Julian asked .Ian opened the box and his smile was growing bigger. He looked as excited as a kid "totally I have a huge sweet tooth"

wow it worked out so well "and they are from my favorite place! Thank you Stella" Ian thanked me again and gave the box to a waiter telling him to keep it in the kitchen.

"I am sorry I can't give you guys much time . Enjoy the party"

"Ian, what about Liam?" Cami asked "don't worry, he said he will be here . When he gets here I will surely introduce you to him" Ian assured us . But the tension just wasn't going down . Ian was pulled away by his friends and vanished in the crowd. This party was silent, only some faint music was playing in the background. I like the silence but this party is giving me anxiety , before I could realize Cami , Max and Julian were already spread across the hall and I was left alone standing near the buffet table .

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