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The elevator stops and doors slide open

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The elevator stops and doors slide open. I stepped aside so Stella could walk before me and I followed her, guiding her to my apartment. "We are here and you are still not telling me why" She says, crossing her arms on her chest

"I won't tell but show you, so be patient freckles" I reply with a grin, her impatience makes it more exciting than before. We stand in front of my apartment door, a pile of boxes kept beside the door frame. I lean closer to them and read the receipt

Boards, needles, pins, lace

Okay almost everything is here. There are three small boxes which contain all the requirements. Wait but where's that?

I take a step to the side and I sigh in relief, I bend and take the small bouquet I ordered for her and it came before time thankfully. I turn to face her and extend the white rose bouquet towards her. She is coming to my place for the first time, I needed to give her something at least

Her eyes shining looking at the flowers, she quickly takes them with a soft smile on her lips, she likes them. Her fingers delicately hover above the flowers as she mumbles a number "one hundred and ninety four"

My body posture straightened up hearing the low pitched voice "what was that?" I ask stepping closer to her. She lifts her head and meets my eyes with the same smile as she says  "Oh that's the number of flowers you gave me. One hundred and ninety four flowers"

My eyebrows raise, due to amusement. She counted them? Even I didn't realize that "You keep their count?" I ask glancing at the flowers "Yeah, I do" she replies with a simple nod as if it's nothing, but her little habit makes my heart shake up filling me with a sense of warmth

She keeps admiring those flowers in her hand while I take a moment to admire her. The sun is beaming through the glass windows on the sides of the corridor wall. Falling on her face makes her bloom with the light like a flower.

She is wearing a red sweater that suits her complexion it's paired up with black flared jeans, with a miracle she isn't wearing heels today. I adore her clothing choices

What makes me more happy is that she doesn't hide her freckles anymore

I can admire her face as long as I want

"Let's go?" Her voice brings me back, I smile matching her expressions and head forward and press in the password and open the door for her "after you"

She takes a step inside, as I was about to follow her I pause and look at the boxes, I should bring them with me. It would be better to set up everything beforehand and not waste time. I take the first box in my hand checking what material it contains

A sudden yelp makes me drop the box then and there and step inside the apartment. It was definitely her voice and it was terrified

Hell what happened now-

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