Episode 1

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I stared at him; a blank look painted on my features as I try to absorb the information I had just been given.

"Look (nickname)—" he stumbled on his words as he tried to cover up his mistake, coughing to annunciate how the word would now be foreign to his lips. "—(name)... I have a dream to follow, and... well..."

He paused staring into my absent gaze with that poker face of his.

"You hold me back from that."

"Huh..." I hummed, eyes now stinging with a familiar liquid "Hold you back?"

My voice was barely noticeable with the mousy tone I was using. However, Hitoshi seemed to understand my mumbles.

"My ideals and yours do not align. We are very different people... you must understand, you are no good for me."

No good for him?

No good for him?

"You have to be fucking kidding me!" I spat at him infuriated with his choice of words.

But regardless of my outburst he didn't seem affected by it at all. In fact, his mouth tipped upwards slightly, all most too small to notice but it caught my eye.

I could feel a drip down my cheek as a tear escaped my eye, solely running down my face as I clenched my fists. He was enjoying this moment.

He was enjoying watching my heartbreak.

Hitoshi Arisu had approached me after his last class of university had concluded for the day and he had taken me to a local park. Being non the wiser, I had assumed we were going on a date and so as I sat down on the peeling paint of the bench, my heart raced thinking of the quality time we were spending together.

It wasn't often we were allowed to go on a date, he would often remind me of his tight schedule. When he wasn't at Uni, he would be at home studying. Alone. So, when he asked to meet after class, I had made sure to look presentable.

A thin layer of makeup was applied to my skin, and I had done my hair up to flaunt the products on my face. My outfit was casual to avoid trying to look over excited about the time we would spend together, and I had decided on a short floral skirt with a spaghetti strap top to match the cool summer breeze floating through my surroundings.

After trying hard to look my best for my boyfriend you can only imagine my surprise when he uttered the words.

"We should break up,"

I had been with him just short of a year and had never seen any problems with our relationship.

Yeah, we rarely saw each other, but we just coped like any other long-distance couple would.

Except for the fact we weren't long distance.

My friends always asked what I saw in him, and now standing in my position, I could understand why they distrusted him.

I looked on in anger as he snickered slightly at my face, glaring up at him. If he wanted to break up with me, he could have been more respectful. I guess his pride and ego over bared all his ethical emotions causing him to laugh at thought of someone else's pain.

I sniffled slightly standing abruptly up from the bench, not wishing for him to see me cry over his pathetic ass. I slowly walked away, wanting to seem unaffected by his revolting actions until his vile tongue spoke again.

Alice In Borderland (various x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat