Episode 5

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"Holy shit..." I laughed leaning over the edge of the balcony, clutching onto to railing so I didn't fall off, "Kuina! Come check this out,"

I heard her footsteps stroll towards me and felt her hand place itself on my shoulder as she peered around me.

"Wow, nice view..." Her breath wafted over my neck as she moved closer to look over the edge, placing her other hand on my arm to stabilise herself before turning to look at me, "We should probably get a move on..."

I just hummed in reply still staring at the view as she detached herself from me and started walking away.

We had just finished a 3 of spades game inside a library and we had made our way up to the roof to look at the view of the city.

From up here you could see the light of the beach and I had stopped to admire the view of the city partly lit up by stars. I was relaxed as the game had been an easy one and every player had survived and so took the opportunity to revel in the momentary peace this view offered.

I took a deep breath in before tapping the railing and turning my back on the view smiling as I saw Kuina waiting for me by the exit door, moving over past the bookcases to reach her. She held the door open for me to allow me to descend the stairs first and once we made our way out we saw that the other players from the beach had taken the car and left.

I turned towards her and pinched the bridge of my nose, "They couldn't have waited like 5 seconds..." I just sighed and took a step towards Kuina who was still stood on the steps that lead up to the doors to the library. She seemed amused by my annoyance and chewed on her fake cigarette with a smirk on her face, before jumping off the last step and bounding towards me.

"Looks like we are walking..." she walked past me grabbing my wrist and dragging me behind her as she started to skip in the direction of the beach.

I playfully rolled my eyes and started to fall into step with her, linking our arms instead of her holding my wrist as we walked in sync.

We were silent for a while but it was comfortable until Kuina broke it.

"What were you like before all this..."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. This question seemed to be out of the blue and I didn't understand why she was asking.

"Kuina..." I turned to face her still maintaining our pace but bringing our bodies closer together. "What are you on about?"

She sighed and shook her head keeping her gaze straight ahead as she reached her free hand up to remove the fake cigarette before speaking.

"As in... what was your day to day... your hobbies... pets...lovers..."

The last part seemed strained and forced as if the word was venom on her tongue, but I pushed past that and assumed it was just my tired brain playing tricks on me.

"Well... my life was boring really..." I turned away from her and tilted my head to the side swinging our looped arms slightly in thought.

"I used to have a budgie, I named her violet... Hitoshi was messing around one day and opened her cage as a joke and the window was open... she flew straight out—as if I hadn't cared for and loved her all her lifetime..." I let out a little chuckled at the end as Kuina started lightly giggling.

"Pets are funny like that..." she hummed in reply twirling the fake cigarette in between her fingers. This action caused me to gaze down at the tricks in admiration, she seemed so casual as she was doing this while continuing to speak and I couldn't help but allow a tiny smile to overcome my features.
"I have a cat... he doesn't like me very much, only comes home when it's time to be fed."

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