Episode 2

228 13 0

Kuina POV

I softly laid her on my bed looking at the smeared mascara on her cheeks. It was there before the game I thought to myself. Something must have happened before she got here. I turned away from her taking out the 2 of diamonds card from my pocket and giving it to Chishiya who accepted it.

He looked at it before saying, "5 dead from a 2 of diamonds?"

I shook my head, rolling my eyes before brushing past him to get a chair. As my hand grabbed the frame I said,

"It required more luck than anything..."

I placed the chair against the wall before staring at her.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" I questioned looking up at the man next to me.

"How am I supposed to know?" he answered, "All I know is we need to bring her to hatter when she does."

I hummed before chewing my fake cigarette in wonder.

"What was her name again?"

"(lastname) (name)."

(name) POV

I was guided into my chair by Kuina who gave me a reassuring smile before exiting the room, allowing 3 more people to enter. The first was a tall slender woman with a vibrant red lip and sunglasses. She had a neatly chopped bob and a frown plastered on her face as she strutted across the room to stand on my far right against the window. The next was a man who seemed very serious, sporting some swimming trunks that looked almost comical with the smart shirt he wore across his chest. As he took his place in the centre his glasses caught the sunlight sending a glare into my eye that cause me to wince and squint away allowing my gaze to fall upon the last woman.

Her beauty stunned me and the wide smile that graced her lips would have been creepy displayed on anyone else but on her, the gorgeous features excused the horrific expression. She had her hands crossed over her stomach as she greeted "Good morning!"

The man then started speaking "I apologise for the early disturbance; it is just standard procedure." He formal force reassured me in a way but also reminded me of the way Hitoshi would sometimes talk...

"What is your name?" interrupted the only other person who hadn't spoken. Her sturn tone caused me to shudder as I mumbled out,

"(lastname) (name), miss."

She hummed before the door was slammed open.

In walked a man with long dark hair and sunglasses two men trailing behind him. The first man's chest was showing underneath the hideous multi coloured robe he wore. He too wore swim shorts and I looked at them in confusion.

Why was everybody wearing swim wear?

"(lastname) (name)..." boomed the man walking in front of my chair.

He placed his hands on the corners, leaning down so his face was nearly touching mine as he asked,

"Can I call you (name)?"

Feeling threatened I hastily nodded, hoping he would back up, but he didn't until the stern looking woman cleared her throat.

He continued speaking, "Welcome to the beach!" He flung his arms into the air and gestured around himself, pointing to the people that surrounded the room.

"We have the answers that you are looking for." He chuckled before clicking his fingers.

The two men that were stood behind me moved towards the wall I was facing and began sliding it away to reveal a board with all the cards from a deck plastered across it with huge black X's over the top of them. My eyes widened as I took in the scene before me, many of the cards were crossed out but a few displayed no graffiti over them, noticeably the face cards.

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