Episode 4

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"Goodbye (name)!" shouted Hatter calling after me as I exited his room.

After he had appointed me the role of executive, he had invited me back to his room for a drink. And one drink became two and two became... well you know.

Now I had to stumble my way back to my room which lay on a completely different floor. I cursed under my breath as I sloppily waved back at the man who was lay back on his sofa, one leg up on the arm.

I chuckled softly at his dishevelled appearance before setting back off to my room.

I had only made it a few metres down the corridor when my feet stumbled out from under me, and all my weight was shifted against the wall. I had no strength to balance myself and so my legs fell out from under me, and my ass landed harshly on the ground.

I winced at the contact, scrunching my eyes up before glaring at the ceiling. Sighing about my situation.

My legs and arms felt numb and heavy, and it was like a chore to lift them. This predicament left me wondering if it was even worth making it back to my room and eventually, I decided that the corridor would make a nice bed for the night.

As my eyes fluttered shut and I tried to fall asleep, a shadow loomed over my face, blocking out the light that emitted from the buzzing LED's. My eyes scrunched and I glared at the figure who stood above me as I opened my eyes.

It was only when my gaze came into focus that my eyes softened at the appearance of the man above me.

Yasu stood with a concerned look on his face staring down at my body and before I could even utter a 'hello' his arms reached down for me, pulling my up by the armpits and propping me into a standing position.

I wobbled on my legs and tripped over my feet as I was pulled up, but the boys firm grip kept me from tumbling back to the floor. His arm wrapped around my shoulder as he took a few slight steps in the direction of the staircase.

"Yasu... what are yo—" I was interrupted by a hiccup "What are you doing..."

He looked around nervously before stating "Getting you back to your room."

I scrunched up my features before snapping "I can walk just fine... by myself!"

The big pause I took was due to a misplacement of my foot in front of my opposing leg. This action tripped me once more and contradicted my own statement.

Yasu took a deep breath in before quickening his pace slightly.

"I'm sure you can walk by yourself," he sarcastically rolled his eyes "But Niragi is walking through the corridors and... well if he found you..."

He trailed off towards the end of his sentence looking down towards the floor. We had almost reached the staircase by now and his pace slowed so that we could ascend the stairs safely until a whistling tune was caried down the hallway.

"Shit!" cursed Yasu dragging my wrist towards the mouth of the staircase. His arm pushed me back against the wall harshly and as my body collided with the solid background, I let out a grunt.

Panic flooded his eyes as he slammed a hand over my mouth, disallowing any more noise from me.

We both breathed heavily, slightly out of breath from the mad dash we just made as the sound of footsteps and whistling came closer and closer.

My eyes widened as I saw a figure start coming into view and I closed them tight until I heard a shout from down the corridor.


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