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"So, remember, everyone, this isn't a guessing game. It's an exercise in normalizing our what?" Jojo declared to the class. Daisy's feet drew up to her chest as she attempted to conceal her smirk. She sensed his gaze on her as she exchanged a few glances, finding it challenging to suppress her laughter. The reason behind her amusement remained unclear, both to her and Cash.

"What are you laughing at?" Cash scolded, scanning the room for the source of her entertainment.

"No one, nothing!" She turned her face back to the board, concealing her blush as Cash sighed in defeat. Meanwhile, Spider had turned away for a moment, with Ant following his line of sight.

"That's right. I don't want to hear any shaming. Am I clear?" Daisy sat up from her slouched position, picking at the skin around her nails. "All right. Who's first? Harper." The blonde reluctantly stood in front of the class, reading the folded note.

"I have to know the person properly before I have sex with them." She shifted her eyes to look at Spider, coincidentally finding the teen staring back at her. Her cheeks flushed as she turned back to the board, fingers wrapped tightly around her knees.

"Very good and very common," Jojo nodded. "Sasha." Daisy turned her nose up slightly to the girl, struggling to tolerate some of the girls in her class.

"I can only cum to house music." A small laugh escaped Daisy's mouth, even Cash smirking a bit as Spider clapped a hand on Ant's back.

"That's Ant." Laughter filled the air class, with a small embarrassed smile on Jojo's face.

"Yeah, so what if it is?" Ant waved his hands in defeat, met with laughter from most teens.

"Respect, bro." Dusty exclaimed.

"Amerie." The well dressed teen moved to the front, unfolding the note, "Um, it just says 'foot,'" Amerie snickered. "Not 'feet.' Just 'foot.'"

Daisy watched as Missy walked to the front, unfolding the piece of paper. "Harper likes getting double-dicked by Dusty and Malakai." Daisy's face dropped, her eyes moving to Malakai, guilt evident on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Who the f*ck wrote this?" Missy spat, Daisy looking to Cash, who appeared equally shocked. Next, her eyes moved to Spider, his entire friend group snickering loudly. Why did she think Spider would be any different than what everyone described him?

"Pack your things," Jojo exclaimed. Daisy turned her head away from the blonde, sinking back into her chair.

"Miss, I did not write that!" Daisy ignored the rest of the class, Cash whispering curses towards her about his hatred towards Spider's group.

"You f*cking slut!" Amerie's voice interrupted the pair, Daisy sinking further into the seat, the hostility across the room escalating. Her eyes flickered across the room again, Spider chuckling quietly. Her fingers tensed angrily as she watched him make a fool of himself as usual.

"F*ck you!" Malakai jolted up from his seat his seat, Spider moving to size him up. "Spencer!" Daisy cursed, causing Spider to back up for a moment. Malakai was held back, thankfully Ant hauling Spider from the room.

"Okay, that's enough. That's enough." Jojo declared, and the class was dismissed. Daisy clambered over her seat after Spider, her bag slung across one shoulder loosely. Cash didn't bother to catch up to her, distracted with Darren's presence.

By the time she caught up to him, Spider was already in the principal's office, his face flushed with anger and his jaw clenched. Daisy wasn't sure if she should wait, but it was too late; she sat outside, her bag on her lap, and her headphones hanging loosely from her pocket.

She knew he'd be in there for a while, so she slipped her headphones in, slumping into the chair as music filled her ears. Her moment of peace didn't last long; Jojo's voice interrupted.

"...Are you alright?" Daisy hurried to remove her headphones, catching the last part of the conversation.

"Yeah, yeah, Miss, sorry. Just waiting for... him." She hesitantly tilted her head in Spider's direction, sitting up abruptly.

"Spencer?" Miss Obah's eyebrows raised for a moment, shock evident in her expression. "Really?" Her books were clutched to her side as her mind tried to make sense of the situation.

"Yeah, I suppose... we're friends." Daisy almost seemed surprised by her own words, a small smile creeping onto Miss Obah's face.

"That's... um... good. He needs a good influence." She smiled softly, "You're a smart girl, Daisy. I'm proud to have you as my student." Daisy's eyes widened; she'd hardly held a conversation with Jojo. She didn't think she noticed her. "I'll see you in class later." Miss Obah noticed Woodsy finishing up, the heated blonde collecting his belongings.

Miss Obah left as Spider stormed out, halting his feet as he noticed the brunette girl waiting for him. He furrowed his brows for a moment before grabbing her hand, pulling her up. "Let's go." One hand clutched his bag, the other around Daisy's hand. For once, the pair didn't care as some students sent them the odd glance. Besides, Daisy knew where they were going.

She could hardly keep his pace, only his hand pulling her forward faster. Spider weaved past a few more students, walking into the very empty change rooms. His hands came into contact with her cheeks as he pressed her against the wall, both teens' bags falling to the ground. He brought his lips to hers, the pair sharing a very heated kiss before Daisy pulled them apart.

"Spencer." He mostly ignored her as he began littering kisses along her neck, his hands holding her hips in place. "You're pissed." She muttered matter-of-factly, feeling his heavy breaths against her neck.

"Yes, I am." He replied sharply, pulling away from her, standing at his full height. His head was tilted down slightly to hold eye contact, and his lips were swollen.

"Which is why you should stop." He reluctantly nodded, backing against the wall, his back making contact roughly. "Why'd you write it?" Daisy brushed her hair back, strands loose from Spider's fingers.

"It- It was true! All I wrote was the fuckin' truth. I-I don't think sometimes... fuck." He rambled, pressing his palms to his face for a moment, his fingers unusually fidgety.

"I think you should apologize to Amerie and Harper." Daisy mumbled a little quieter this time, knowing she might have asked too much. Spider seemed to somewhat consider it before scoffing, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Can we just drop it for a second, please? I just want to do this." He moved forward, cupping her face as he brought their lips together again, this time Daisy responding as her hands wrapped around his neck.

"I have class." She pulled her lips away for a moment, her breath slightly more elevated. "Spencer." She kissed his lips once more, letting go of him as she collected her bag.

"I'll see you tonight, Spence." Her hand lingered on his arm for a moment as she moved past him. "If you need to talk, call me."

Author's Update!!

I'm so sorry for the wait, have been busy with my uni offers, another few chapters are coming within the week! Thank you for reading 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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