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Loud knocking shot Daisy up from her position on the armchair. Hayfever had caught her bad but she was more on edge than anything. Cash wasn't home but would be in minutes. Nan reached the door first as Daisy pulled a jumper over her head.

Daisy froze as she heard the formal chatter from the door. "Any information you can give us about his whereabouts." Her world spun as she approached the door. She had already slipped one arm out of the sweater as she eyed the police officers.

"I told you he's not here." Nan bit back and Daisy's eyes drifted to her shoes beside the door, her other hand slipped through the hoodie. She just needed to squeeze past the officers. She needed to find him, warn Cash.

"We need to ask him a couple of questions." She begun moving forward to the door but stopped when she noticed the texting teen walk down the driveway. Daisy threw the jumper to the ground.

Seconds later sounded Nan, yelling, "Gun it boyo!" Daisy struggled to slip her shoes on as she squeezed past the officers, "Run Cash!" She took off after him, sirens sounded. Daisy ran as fast as she could but Cash was faster.

Hardly outrunning the car she watched Cash sprint into the gates rushing into school. Heaving through her sobs she slid into the door of the school unable to catch her breath as the cop car skidded outside.

"Cash! Cash no, no please." She begged sprinting through the halls, sirens around the school, "Doug." She cried weaving past a student she ignored them bursting into the classroom. "No, no officer, he didn't do anything. Officer!" The police had already beaten her, arresting Cash on spot.

"Sir." Sympathetic looks weren't the worse of it as they begin leading Cash out, a grip against Daisy's wrist. "He didn't do anything, he didn't do anything, Amerie tell them." She cried, Amerie's features softened but she didn't say anything.

"Amerie! Where's Harper she knows he didn't- Please." A female officer lay a soft hand on Daisy's arm again as she flinched away, "No- he didn't- stop." She avoided the sympathetic looks around her.

"Daisy, it's okay, I'm okay, I'm okay." Cash muttered as he was pulled to stand dragged past her, "Daisy, you'll be okay, it's okay," He was crying, Daisy bursting into tears as she watched them drag him from the classroom. She heard her name called over and over again until one became clear.

"Daisy." Spider beckoned but she didn't care following the officers out the door. She heard him call her name again. Was he following her? She didn't know. Watching as Cash disappeared down the hall, her life fell apart.

"Please he's innocent- he didn't." A soft touch on the back of her arm and she fell apart sobbing as Missy held her, "He didn't do anything Miss. He didn't." She held her shaky fingers to her mouth, "Fuck."

HEARTBREAK HIGH; •Spencer White•Where stories live. Discover now