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I woke up too late this morning to write about the dream I had about HIM; I need to write it down, so I don't forget it. As soon as the pen hits the paper, she recounts what her subconscious had shown her the night before.

"Genie, are you okay?" He slowly walks up to her and kneels down in front of her curled up form, worry in his eyes. She doesn't move or speak, still curled up on the ground; her back facing away from him. "Genevieve? Please, answer me." He lightly puts his hand on her shoulder, causing her to flinch. He moves his hand away, tilting his head.

"Go away, Charles. Please." She starts to sob. "Did you come here to finish Karol and Ester's beating? Is this how I die?" Her shoulders start to shake even more as tears start to stream down her face again. 

He gets up and walks around to where he can see her face; he's met with an almost unrecognizable Genevieve. Her face is covered in bruises and scratches. His eyes fill with even more worry at the sight, and he looks away with tears in his icy blue eyes. "Genie, it's me. Damien." He tries lightly placing his hand on her shoulder again, this time she doesn't flinch. 

"Damien?" She slowly looks up into his eyes, seeing worry there. "How did you know I was here?" She sits up, slightly hissing at the pain in her body. 

His eyes quickly move to look at her when he hears the sound. He clenches his jaw in anger, taking a deep breath in and out to calm himself down. "Before I answer that, I have a question to ask." He looks deeper into her eyes, as if he's looking into her soul. "Who's Charles?"


She closes her journal and stuffs it back into her bag as the teacher finally walks in. "Sorry for running late students." Some of the kids mumble responses back to the man as he sits his belongings on the desk at the front of the room. "It's math time now! Please open your books to page..." Ugh. It should be illegal to have to learn math this early in the morning. 

She opens the book to the lesson the class is currently on and tries her best to pay attention. Stay awake, Genie. Only 30 minutes of this to go. You got this. The voice of the math teacher drones on and on about something having to do with equations as Genie's eyes start to get heavier.

Genie sighs inwardly and lightly rubs her eyes so she can stay awake. She then feels something hit her head, landing on the floor beside her backpack. Hearing Karol and Ester snickering behind her, she sighs and picks up the paper ball. 

When she unwraps it and reads what's written on it, her eyes tear up a bit. Don't let them see you weak. It'll just make it worse. She crumbles the paper back up and shoves it into her bag, sighing. She blinks away the tears as the bell rings, signaling the end of class. 


"Shinji, Genie!" Jacob excitedly runs up to his boyfriend and gives him a quick peck on the forehead, causing the younger boy to giggle. He then gives Genie a quick hug before speaking again. "Have either of you seen Miku? I thought we were all heading to the cafeteria right after fourth period." As he finishes his sentence, he feels someone jump onto his back. Welp, speak of the devil. He laughs and looks back at the dark-haired girl. 

Miku hops off Jake's back and smiles broadly. "Hey, besties! I brought someone with me, I hope y'all don't mind him sitting with us at lunch." She nods at the wavy-haired boy, causing him to come closer to the others and give a small wave.

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