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"I know that we aren't, and possibly never will be, the best of friends or even acquaintances, and you don't have to accept this apo-" Ester's words are cut off by Genevieve's arms wrapping tightly around her torso, pulling her into a tight hug.

To say that Ester was surprised would be an understatement. She's, hugging me? But, why? Miku lets go of her hand so she can wrap her arms around Genie, closing her eyes as her own tears finally start to fall.

Genie manages to mumble out, "I forgive you, Ester. Because everything you did and said wasn't truly you." She pulls away from the other girl and backs away a bit, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

She... forgives me? Ester feels a hand take her own and lightly squeeze it. Miku brings the older girl's hand to her lips and places a soft kiss there, causing the older to blush before responding back to Genie.

"I- thank you... really, thank you." Ester wipes the tears off her face as well. "If I can, I'll prevent Karol from doing what she's planning... or at the very least, try to stop her from going too far. I can't promise anything, unfortunately, but just know that I will try my hardest. Even if I get hospitalized again-"


"Wait wait wait... again!?" Damien nearly yells, causing everyone to jump and look over at him in fright as they all share the same thought. He. Is. Angry. The dangerous kind of angry.

"That wh-... girl, put you in the hospital? What kind of friend is that? Friends protect each other, care for each other..." His anger dissipates, turning into sadness. How could I not see through the fake confidence that's all but gone now? Heck, she could most definitely be an amazing actress. No wonder she wants to go into theatre. She had everyone fooled into thinking that she was alright, that there was nothing bad going on at all.

"Why? Why do you still hang out with someone that hurts you?" Ester's chocolate brown eyes stare into Damien's icy blue ones for a second before she looks away and speaks.


Might as well tell them... "As of tonight, I'm not friends with her anymore." Everyone, including Miku look at her in shock.

Ester continues. "I quit the cheerleading squad as well, because I realized that I actually enjoy acting more, and want to pursue that instead."

She sighs before she speaks again. "I told Karol that earlier today and she pretty much cut all ties with me. Blocked me on every social media she could and hasn't spoken a word to me since."

"To be honest, I'm kinda glad that she did." She looks over at Miku and grins, kissing the younger girl's cheek. Miku blushes a bit, her face turning pink.

"I can finally be myself and not hide anymore." Ester smiles, a genuine one. Not the fake ones that she's always had on her face since her brother left this world. I'm so glad I went to your favorite spot tonight, Shane. If I hadn't done so, I wouldn't be here now. Talking to people that actually seem to care about my well-being.

Everyone excluding Ester and Miku share glances with one another before nodding their heads, coming to an agreement. Group hug time!

They all move closer to the duo and envelope them into a group hug, causing Miku to giggle in glee and Ester's smile to get bigger, her face practically glowing from happiness.

I found them. Ester closes her eyes, her heart content and at peace. I found my friends. I found my family. I found... where I belong.

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