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He gently places his hand on the older boy's cheek and smiles as those brown, loving eyes close, a content sigh coming from Jacob. As their lips meet, Shinji can't help the words that he mumbles from his mouth. "I love you, Jay. So much." Please, stay with me forever.

"Valentine's Day is only a week away, Genie! Has anyone asked you to the dance yet?" The dark-haired girl puts her hands on her bestie's shoulders and gently shakes her, trying to get her attention. She's been so distracted the past few weeks. I wonder what's up.

Genie looks up at Miku, her eyes clouded over with tears. Miku's eyes widen a bit, then darken and narrow. "Who do I have to beat up?" I don't have martial arts training for nothing. If I have to smack around Karol, Ester, or even Charles, I won't hesitate if it's what it takes to protect my best friend.

The golden-haired girl quickly shakes her head and gives a small, sad smile. "No one needs to be beaten up, Miku. Thank you, though." She turns her head back to where her attention was before, her thoughts wandering.


Why is he avoiding me now? She steals another glance towards Damien, who's talking to Jacob about gods knows what. The only time we talk or see each other is after school, when we work on the dance routine.

Her eyes start to sting from the tears in them. I can't cry here; I have to make up an excuse to leave. "I-I've got to go get something I forgot in the dance studio. See you at the cafe?" She fakes a smile and starts heading towards the dance room.

"Okay then. I'll see you there, Genie. Love you, bestie!" Miku watches her leave, sighing in defeat.


Jacob shakes his head, his chestnut eyes glaring into the icy ones in front of him. "What the heck, Damien? That's not a reason to ignore her, you know." Damien shrugs, his blue eyes holding a hint of sadness in them as he looks down at the floor. Jake runs his hand through his curly hair in frustration before speaking again.

"She doesn't even know the reason why she's being ignored. It's bound to get to her eventually, and probably already has. You don't just go and kiss someone, then practically ignore them for weeks. No matter what the reason may be." If Genie didn't like you, I would have already punched you to knock some sense into your head. Jake glances around the halls. His eyes soften when they find his two girl besties.

He notices Genevieve looks kind of, defeated. Her shoulders drooping when she finally speaks to Miku. That smile is fake. His stare goes back to Damien as he watches her glance over towards them again before heading in the direction of the dance studio.

He looks at the boy in front of him and sighs, opening his mouth to talk again. "You love her, don't you?" Damien's head snaps up at Jacob's words, his eyes going wide.


A smirk shows up on Jake's face. I knew it. I knew they would start to fall for each other. "If you do love Genevieve, you need to ask her to the Valentine's Day dance."

Damien's eyes go towards the direction that Genie went. "Will she even want to go with me? Heck, I wouldn't want to go with me right now." His voice is small, barely audible. "I wouldn't be surprised if she despises me now, to be honest." Damien closes his eyes and sighs, tears starting to collect behind his eyelids.

"She doesn't hate you, Damien." Quite the opposite, actually. You have no idea how often she talks about you since that day. She loves you, bro. Maybe even more than you love her. "Go. Talk to her. Make things right." He turns the boy around and lightly shoves him in the direction Genie went.

Damien stumbles a bit before catching himself, looking back at the curly haired boy behind him. Jacob shoos him away, nodding his head towards the dance room. Damien lets out a shaky breath before walking to the gymnasium.


He slows his pace and stops in front of the entrance to the room, his hand lingering on the handle. Before opening the door, he takes a deep breath in and holds it for a few seconds before letting it out. When the door is finally opened and Damien sees the sight in front of him, his tears start to fall.

God, I'm so stupid. I hurt her, badly. He slowly walks up beside her, lowering himself to the floor. Why did I let the words of others, them telling me to leave her alone, get to me at all? Before wrapping his arms around Genie's shaking body, he mumbles into her ear, his voice laced with sadness and regret. "I'm so sorry, Genevieve." I'm sorry, my love.

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