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date ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

ARWEN DUNN stared at herself in the mirror.

she knew she didn't have to dress up. it was only luke hughes—the same luke hughes that had made her fall in love with him quickly as the weeks went on.

there was no other way to say it other than she was head over heels for him.

she had hoped that the baggy jeans she wore with her tight t-shirt and black puffy jacket was enough.

while she started her overthinking she started her search for something better.

this time she opted for black pants and a formal white top. she tied a bow in her hair she decided that it was good enough.

it wasn't long before luke knocked on her dorm room door.

she quickly answered and saw the tall blonde standing there. as soon as they saw each other a smile formed on their faces.

"you ready?" luke asked her and she shrugged, "are you?" arwen asked him in return, "always ready." he joked and he held open the door as she grabbed the few things she needed.

the two got into luke's car and started driving. it was a nice silence, comfortable and calm. but luke broke the silence.

"so uh—quinn met honey at the game, and she said that you're not going home for winter break. why's that?" luke told her and she shook her head, "i can't afford it.. i want to go but they all want me to stay here now." arwen told him and he nodded.

luke realized his plan was falling perfectly into place, "you can always be with my family." he proposed to the girl in his passenger seat, arwen smiled, "oh yeah?" she asked him.

"yeah—you made such a good impression with my mom that she asked me what you liked for a christmas present." luke told her and arwen turned pink.

she was mesmerized by him. the way he moved his hands while he talked—his curled hair moved because of it. she loves him, she had to fight the urge to tell him that now.

"do you want to come with me for winter break?" luke asked and she smiled wider, "i don't know." "i want you to be with a family for christmas." luke said and his hand landed on her thigh.

"i'll go. my parents would want me to be with someone for christmas too." arwen said chewing her nail.

luke smiled, "sick! uh—i'll text my mom." luke said as they pulled into the parking lot for the arena. "luke i can't skate." arwen told him as soon as she saw the sign.

"what?" luke asked, "i can't skate, and last time i tried i broke my collarbone." she told him, "vince never taught you?" he asked and she nodded, "tried to but i broke my collarbone." arwen noted.

"arwen. i won't let you break your collarbone." he told her as he grabbed two pairs of hockey skates out of the back of his car.

he handed the pair to the girl and they interlocked their hands.

luke opened the arena and walked in. they both sat down on the bench and tied up their skates.

arwen looked at the arena around her. "i hate skating with my whole heart." she told him and luke got onto the ice.

"just grab my hands... and breathe." luke told her as she grabbed his hands and stepped onto the ice and almost fell back off of it.

"arwen, it's okay—i've got you." luke told her reassuringly.

luke skated backwards and helped arwen skate forwards.

"see you're doing great!" luke praised and arwen smiled, "it's just like riding a bike okay?" luke said, "okay.." she told him.

luke let go of her hands and she started skating on her own.

"i'm tired. learning and skating is hard!" arwen complained as she held onto the boards to stop.

"i have the ice for like three more minutes." luke told her, and arwen smiled.

"then help me take these off. they hurt my ankles." arwen told him and she skated to the bench.

"you didn't break your collarbone this time." luke mentioned as he untied his laces, "that's because you're not my older brother." arwen joked, luke laughed.

"my older brothers already think you're their little sister." luke added making the girl blush.

luke scanned over her face, the pink blush on her cheeks and her red paint on her lips. her shirt hugged her perfectly, while her pants hugged her thighs and everything else was fit bigger.

luke took off her skates and grabbed her hand. it made her feel safer as they walked back to his car in the fairly empty parking lot.

arwen sat in the passenger seat and luke was smiling at her. "arwen, you are the only girl i've been able to think about since i met you in november." he admitted, "i would cancel my plans if you want to hang out with me." luke told her.

"will you be my girlfriend?" luke asked and arwen smiled, "in every universe i will be your girlfriend." she told him and luke decided it was the perfect moment.

he kissed her.

arwen felt as if she's already in heaven. she loves him and he knows it.

"alright your place or mine for movie night?" he asked and she thought about it. "you're in the sophomore house?" she asked and he nodded.

"i can see how that can be an issue." luke said and arwen smiled, "we can go to mine." arwen told him and they drove the short five minute drive.

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐




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