sixteen , K.

653 18 8

K. ׂׂૢ་༘࿐


they watched quinn and vince play against each other in vancouver.

several camera shots went to their parents sitting together with arwen in all of them.

luke kept watching the video she had made this morning, with her brother complaining in the background.

"SO-meeting your boyfriend's parents is stressful right? but what's worse is your parents meeting his parents while he's across the country. ya know?"

"if you watch that one more time luke i swear to god i'll throw it off the balcony." jack threatened and luke shook his head.

"you wouldn't. all bark no bite." luke annoyed him and played it again.

jack tackled him off the sofa, and they brawled on the floor.

"stop playing the stupid video!" jack shouted, "then don't flirt with my girlfriend!" luke argued, "i didn't flirt with her!" "mom said you did!" "please when would mom know?!"

unbeknownst to them their team captain and teammate opened their apartment door.

"HEY!" nico hischier shouted getting the brothers to look over at him.

"what the fuck guys?" dawson mercer asked and they were pulled off each other.

"well he started it-" "did not!" "who the fuck cares?!"

"you're adults." dawson added, "what where you fighting over anyway?" nico asked curiously.

"luke wouldn't stop watching the same video of his girlfriend. i just couldn't listen to it anymore." jack said and nico nodded.

"your excuse?" dawson asked turning to the youngest hughes, "he was flirting with my girlfriend." luke said, and the two older boys looked shocked.

"isn't she in vancouver?" nico asked and luke nodded, "then how'd you know he was flirting with her?" the swiss man asked and he sighed.

"our mom said it." luke added and jack shook his head, "i never flirted with her. i would never do that." he said sounding somewhat truthful.

but jack kept thinking back to new years.

how arwen clung onto him, crying because she thought luke was cheating.

"at least i wouldn't cheat on her." jack added and luke's eyes widened, like jack had figured something out.

"i've never cheated on arwen." luke said defensively, "cause you went out to dinner alone last night?" jack asked and luke groaned.

"that's fucked up, luke..." dawson said disappointed in the young hockey star, "isn't she that nice brunette you brought to that team dinner?" nico asked and jack nodded.

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