4. And Ever

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Daemon was avoiding his union. 

"Rhae Royce? Really brother. Give me someone else." 

"Daemon it is a good match, stop procrastinating." Viserys begged. Daemon gave a swooping bow. 

"Yes your grace." Daemon agreed.  "Come on peanut, save me from this." Vaera chased after daemon. Viserys loved how much Vaera loved her uncle Daemon. daemon would be a good father, he adored Vaera so much. 

The ceremony was not done the Targaryen way not that Daemon wanted to share such a sacred custom with Rhae Royce of all people. Vaera spun around in her pretty red dress, she got so many compliments, she blushed touching her dress and smiling up at them. Viserys scooped her up, but kissed Aemmas cheeks. Aemma reached out for Vaera. She was a snuggle bug, Rhaenyra was always the independent little woman. 

"Who comes before the old gods tonight?"

"Rhae Of house Royce."

"Who claims this woman?" Daemon yawned out. "Who claims this woman?"

"Daemon." Viserys hissed. 

"Ummm... well I supposed, Daemon, thats me of house Targaryen." Daemon agreed reluctantly. 

"Who gives her?"

"Yorbert Royce." Rhae's father answered proud to have this union under way. Rhae and Daemon were not happy about it though. 

"Rhae Royce, Will you take this man?" She hesitated, staring back at Daemon's cocky grin. His mischievous eyes. Rhae looked to her father and grandmother, both so proud and she sighed, giving in. 

"I take this man. "


"Calypso detained Odysseus for seven years. She promised Odysseus immortality if he would stay with her, but Odysseus preferred to return home..."

"I would stay with her." Vaera answered. Daemon chuckled.

"Then I would miss you." Daemon countered.

"Good point, she could stay here, is she lonely?"

Once vaera started talking she never stopped. Vaera loved talking, loved running, loved chasing after her big sister, loved running to the kitchens to sneak cookies. She loved her uncle Daemon. Daemon smiled down at her putting her in his lap.

"I think she might be, she is forgotten." Daemon agreed. Vaera sighed, shaking her head.

"Daemon?" Viserys questioned. "You are supposed to be with your wife."

"Says who?" Daemon challenged. "I much prefer Vaera's company to that bronze bitch."

"BITCH!" Vaera repeated.

"Ohhhh," Daemon chuckled out. "No, no word beautiful." Vaera giggled into him. 


"Viserys, leave me  be, I'm tending to you child so you can fu--- fudge with your wife." Daemon offered. 

"Fudge? New cookies?" Vaera questioned. 

"No baby girl... yes baby girl." Daemon agreed getting up and scooping her up along with him. "Lets get you a cookie, its a necessity."

"Daemon, lady Rhae-"

"Will survive without me, if I stayed a moment longer I might have bashed her head in." Daemon corrected before turning his tone lighter and smiling down at Vaera. "My little Vaera... lets get you a cookie."


When Vaera was three years old she finally got her dragon. She knew just what to name her. Although her dragon was speckled like a cookie, browns and blacks and dots of white, the most beautiful dragon in Vaera's mind. She knew that she wanted her dragon to be a Goddess.


"Calypso?" Viserys questioned. "The goddess?"

"Uncle Dae told me about her, now she doesnt have to lure men away, she can be my friend forever and ever." Vaera held the dragon tightly to her. "And ever and ever and ever!" 

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen / HOTDWhere stories live. Discover now