22. Circus

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"You know I was thinking..."

"Oh no," vaera teased. Daemon chuckled leaning back in his chair. Aemma rolled her eyes. She didnt like Daemon, he was trouble. But Viserys and the girls certainly did love their uncle Daemon.

Aemma didnt want her girls getting the wrong idea about life and love, marriage. Daemon after all was a party boy, he loved the thrill of a war, he wasnt a suitable husband to his lady wife, Rhae Royce and he did nothing but try and get Aemms' perfect girls into trouble when he was around. She was glad it was becoming fewer and farther between.

Daemon was always a handsome man and he knew it. He knew vaeras weakness as well.

"If you were a cookie. I would eat you up." Daemon whispered and vaera giggled out.

"I would eat me too!" She decided "that would be a big cookie!"

"Come on!" Daemon scooped her up, holding her by her legs. She giggled trying to fix her dress to no use as daemon marched her down the halls. 

"Daemon!" Aemma begged. Daemon practically threw Vaera into the air, she shrieked with laughter before she landed on his shoulders. 

"What are we doing uncle Daemon?" Vaera questioned holding onto his hair as she rode on his shoulders. 

"I'm taking you to a show." 

"A show?" Vaera questioned. 

"A magic show." Daemon agreed. 

"What's that?" Vaera countered. "Is that like when someone makes the cookies disappear? Because I dont like that." She informed him. 

"No cookies will disappear. Did your father not tell you about the circus?" 

"What's that?"

"With clowns and jugglers and bearded ladies." Daemon answered. 

"Women dont have beards uncle Daemon, thats for boys." Vaera corrected cocking her head down at him. 

"And trapeze artists." Daemon went on. "Tightrope walkers... oh its going to be grand." 

"Where is it?" Vaera questioned. 

"Dorne." Daemon answered. 

"How will we get there?" Vaera countered. 

"We fly of course, just a hope skip and a wingspan away." Daemon assured lifting Vaera to Caraxes. 

"Will I be home for bedtime stories?" Vaera countered as she got situated in the saddle. 

"Of course!" Daemon lied. Vaera waved back at Aemma as she ran outside. 

"Where are you going!" Aemma shouted. 

"To the circus!" Vaera declared. "Dont worry I will be back for bedtime! Daemon promised!" 

"I made no such promises!" Daemon corrected. 

"VISERYS!" Aemma shrieked. "Your brother has abducted our Vaera!" 

"My little princess." Daemon cooed reaching out for Vaera, she slid into his arms. 

"Wow, its hot here." Vaera remarked fanning herself with her hand. Daemon chuckled grabbing her hand. "Oh my, the women dont have clothes on." 

"It's wonderful." Daemon agreed. 

"I would offer them my cloak but I didnt bring it with." Vaera remarked. "Is dorne poor, uncle Daemon?"

"No, they are quite well off." Daemon countered. 

"But the women are wearing such little clothing." Vaera countered. 

"Come on, the circus awaits." Daemon countered. 

Vaera stared wide eyed at the animals around them. The circus. Wow. People were basically dragons too, they were breathing fire. 

"It's already a million degrees out, they must really be hot." Vaera had decided. She liked the dancers, said they needed more clothes but she liked them a lot. They spun around, and twisted their hips, Vaera tried to copy them as she stood beside Daemon. 

"Come one, come all look closely," The magician said. "But remember the closer you look-" He held out a card before vaera and she reached for it. "The less you see." he gave the card a shake and it was gone. Vaera gasped her hands flying back. 

"Where did it go?" Vaera demanded looking around. 

"magic darling girl." 

"Uncle Daemon, this is the very best day ever!"

 Could you guess what made that day the very best day ever? The strange new animals? The fire breathing humans? The woman with a braided beard? Perhaps the magician that pulled an adorable bunny from a hat? Oh maybe the man that walked a tightrope that was attached from the podiums of the dornish castle high above them? 

 Wrong. Although the circus itself was marvelous what made that day the best day ever would have been spending it with her uncle Daemon. But what made it the VERY best day ever was the cookie, larger than her face that Daemon bought her three of throughout the day. 

"Glad you like it." Daemon agreed. 

They watched the sun fade away and the candles lit, sparkling around sunspear. The princes of dorne were ready for a wild night ahead but Vaera was already ready for bed. Daemon had so much fun with his little princess he forgot that she was only a child with a bedtime. 

"I thought..." Vaera yawned out leaning into Daemon, her eyes drifting closed. "We were going to be home..." Another big yawn, Daemon smiled latching his arms around her. "for bedtime?"

"You were having so much fun." Daemon countered. "I'm sorry gorgeous."

"Mama is going to be worried," Vaera couldnt stop yawning, Daemon yawned too. Vaera was making him tired. "Can you raven her so she knows?"

"I will get right on that." Daemon assured bringing vaera to a chambers and tucking her in. she held tight to his hand when he tried to pull away. 

"Where are you going?" Vaera questioned, violet eyes peeling open. 

"To raven your mother." Daemon lied. 

"Stay until I fall asleep." Vaera requested not relinquishing his hand. 

"I will stay right here." Daemon agreed laying beside her, she snuggled into his side. 

"Thank you for today, uncle Daemon." Vaera whispered. 

"Anytime, gorgeous." Daemon answered kissing the top of her head. "You and me, Vaera. You and me."

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen / HOTDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang