18. Heart Hurts

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Vaera found her mother outside. Another miscarriage, another sad day in the capital. Viserys had so many expectations that Aemma kept failing.

"Mama?" Vaera questioned.

"Oh my sweet baby." Aemma reached for her.

"What's wrong? You were crying? Are you hurt?"

"My heart hurts baby." Aemma agreed.

"I'm sorry, do you need cookies?"

"Not right now." Aemma countered, Vaera nodded slowly, cookies were always the answer, what was the answer when it wasnt cookies? That didnt seem right.

Vaeras feet twisted on the ground debating. If not cookies, what could she need? Her brain was malfunctioning.

"Ummm.... well... umm... are you sure?" Vaera countered. "They always make me feel better." 

"No thank you baby, just snuggle with me." Aemma requested. Vaera could do that. She crawled into her mothers lap and wrapped her arms gently around her middle. 

"What happened mama?" Vaera whispered. "Does daddy know your heart hurts?"

"Yes." Aemma assured. "His heart hurts too."

"I dont think my heart has ever hurt before... is it painful?" Vaera questioned. 

"Very." Aemma agreed. "I hope you never have to feel this pain." 

"If you and daddy both have hearts that hurt, will it get passed down to me?" Vaera countered.  Aemma chuckled kissing the top of her head. 

"I hope not, baby girl." 

Aemma and Viserys did a cremation for their stillborn son, just the two of them, Aemma couldnt come back inside though after that. She needed more time to stare up at the stars. 

"Calypso, dont be silly, it's bed time... I wish you could join me but... you dont fit through the doors anymore silly girl." Vaera was saying. Harwin chuckled leading her back to the castle. "Wait!" Vaera demanded putting a hand up. Harwin tensed ready for an attack. "I see someone." Harwin followed her gaze. 

"Stay behind me princess." Harwin requested and she grabbed his hand nervously. 

"Who could be out this late?" Vaera questioned. 

It should be known that it wasnt late, but for six year old vaera it was past her bed time. But the stars were out, the moon was rising, the sun had vanished. To Vaera it was late.

"Princess, it is your mother." harwin remarked relaxing. 

"Mama?" Vaera questioned, Aemma turned to them. "It's so late what are you doing up?" Aemma chuckled. 

"Then what my dearest are you doing up?" Aemma countered. 

"Well, you see.. I need a cookie and to check on Calypso." Vaera offered quickly. 

"My little cookie monster." Aemma agreed. "Thank you Ser Harwin, I will bring her in for the night." Aemma offered. 

"If its all the same to you, I will linger until I know you both are safe in the castle." Harwin countered. 

"You can linger." Vaera agreed. Aemma nodded in agreement. "What are you doing out here all alone mama? I didnt go out by myself."

"I'm glad you brought Ser harwin with you, thats what he is here for, to keep you out of trouble." Aemma agreed. 

"Trouble? It was no trouble at all." Vaera corrected. "Just cookies and dragons." 

"Just cookies and dragons," Aemma nodded along. 

"So what are you doing out here mama?" 

"I wanted to see the stars." Aemma answered. 

"There are a lot of stars." Vaera realized looking up. "Ow, my neck," she laid down on the grass, Aemma followed her down.  "There are so many stars. Like hundreds." 

"Millions, billions, trillions no doubt." 

"Wow." Vaera declared. "Who counted them?"

"To many to ever count." Aemma corrected. 

"Any shooting stars to make a wish on?" Vaera questioned her eyes scanning the sky. "I would wish for mama and daddys hearts to not hurt again." Vaera decided. Aemmas hand went to her heart and a tear dribbled down her face. 

"In a sky full of infinite stars you, my Vaera are the one I made my wish on."

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen / HOTDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz