24. Sniffles

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The sniffle cry. Mostly silent, nose a little red, and eyes a little watery. We were past stage one of vaeras sadness.

Stage Two was your standard set of tears—red eyes, red nose, definitely audible. Poor girl you could hear her sadness. No hiccuping or hyperventilating was present. Still no idea what was wrong through.

Stage Two for vaera was known to occur primarily in instances of frustration against her sister or physical pain.

Stage 3 was hysterical sobbing. Her whole face would be puffy and red. Her shoulders would be shaking. Hiccupping will most definitely be present, and she should be kept under direct supervision in the event that hyperventilation occurs—because it very well could.

Vaera, perfect beautiful little vaera sniffled, looking up at viserys with wide, innocent eyes. Her perfect lower lip trembles, and though she doesn't know it, this look she gave him was always his kryptonite. Her gaze shifted to harwin just as pathetically and she could have ask led harwin to chop off his left leg right now and he would probably do it. Anything to get her smile back.

"Vaera love what happened?" Viserys begged. She lifted up her dress skirt and Viserys saw the bloody scraps on her knees. 'Oh, honey did you trip?"

"I was pushed." Vaera corrected.

"Pushed?" Harwin demanded.

"Nyra." Vaera whimpered. "She said we could play and then she pushed me when she saw Alicent." her words mumbled together through her sobs and tears.

"Your sister pushed you?" Viserys questioned.

"She hates me again," She blubbered. "And I didnt do anything wrong!" Vaera assured him. "I promise daddy."

" I believe you of course I believe you, my darling, I just..." he let out an exasperated breath. He could not believe his eldest daughter. She was going through her moody teenage years, and that included bullying her little sister apparently.  Vaera loved her big sister and she after her constantly and yes, she understood that she could be a bit annoying at times... No she didn't. She didn't understand that at all she thought everyone loved her. Want to be with her all the time and didn't understand why her big sister did not want to be with her all the time. It did not make any sense at all whatsoever.

" I told her it was time for our tea party. I got everything ready the stuffed animals are all set up. The tea was poured and I didn't even eat the cookies yet. I swear well I had one cookie..." she admitted " but how could I not I had to test them to make sure they were good." Viserys smiled as Harwin picked her up. They were going to bring her to the maester to get her cleaned up. " And she said no. Just flat out no who does that? A monster that's who. We have a standing date for a tea party and she's not allowed to break it. But because I'm a reasonable person." she wiggled her finger around to further prove her point " I said we can have the tea party later but I need to get more cookies. See reasonable. Completely reasonable. Do you know what she said to me? She said I'm a grown-up and I don't do tea parties anymore. I have more important things to do. Can you believe her? Adulthood has changed her!" Vaera decided.

" why did she push you? When did she push you??" Viserys questioned

" my my what do we have here? You get a bit of an accident little princess?" The maester questioned

" it wasn't an accident." she corrected. " this act of violence was done on purpose." she pointed down at her knees in outrage.

" oh my!"

" why did your sister push you?"

" because I told her that's not fair. She gets to play with alicent all the time, and she never plays with me anymore and I already had to schedule time with her and she just didn't care." her voice softened, and her eyes turned down. The sniffles were back. " I told her no I begged her. No, I reached out for her and she pushed me back then she marched off..."

Talk it out work it out. Hug it out of these days that wouldn't work.  But considering vaera had such a big heart, and she was always eager to forgive the people she loved. When their mother had a stern talk with Rhaenyra and rhaenyra came to apologize with the best gift ever, cookies vaera was eager to forgive. They had a tea party then and there,

" I didn't mean to push you I swear it." Rhaenyra finally putting down her teacup vaera met her gaze. " I just wanted to catch up with alicent. I wanted to get off of my arm I didn't realize I pushed you so hard... Are you hurt bad?" Vaera shrugged, taking another bite of her cookie. " do you hate me forever now?"

" oh never! You're my big sister. I love you most in the world well, after mommy and daddy, of course." Vaera corrected. " I just really wish you loved me too."

" I do love you Vee. I'm just really crappy at showing it." Rhaenyra admitted

" trust me I know." Vaera agreed

" I'll try and do better. We can go ride it whenever you want and if you want to push me in the dirt you can do that too. I deserve it."

" you do but I don't wanna push you." Vaera corrected. "Im a good person." Vaera boasted. She opened her arms up wide and Rhaenyra hugged her tight.

"You are the best Vaera."

"I know."

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen / HOTDWhere stories live. Discover now