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The kickoff to the school year party was in less than an hour.

I threw on some black cargo pants and a black t-shirt to match with a silver chain before heading out of my house to help Ethan set up since it was his frat house it was being thrown at.

Shortly after people started arriving and things got loud and annoying really fast. I don't care for parties but i always go because i'm "expected" to be here, but honestly it's where i find most of the girls so i just cut my losses.

I make my way to the kitchen and grab myself a truly out of the cooler and down it before grabbing my second and sipping on that one.

That's the only way i can truly enjoy these things, if im buzzed.

I look around scanning the room to see if that i girl i saw in class is anywhere around, but im not too sure this is her setting. I still don't have a read on her which bothers the hell out of me.

I see a person with dark red hair thinking it's her but then realize the height and realize it's not. The dark red head and her dirty blonde friend push through the crowd to the kitchen and i realize it is actually her, but with really tall boots on.

She meets my gaze and drops it immediately after. I seriously can't tell if she hates me or if she's playing hard to get. I take it upon myself to approach her instead while her friend is digging in the coolers

"I almost didn't recognize you, you're actually tall for once" i say in her ear from behind and she turns around to look at me.

Her face is completely blank.

"Ha Ha so funny" she said rolling her eyes and turning back around to her friend realizing she's already gone.

"left already? that's gotta sting" i said with a shrug before continuing "guess you're stuck with me"

"In that case i'd rather be alone" she said looking the other direction.

Some guy approached her and started saying things i couldn't hear due to the music being so loud but my eyes were locked on them.

He started getting handsy and the only thing i could hear was "get off!" from her because it was significantly louder than the music itself yet i was the only one paying attention.

I walked over as she shoved him off and he tried to come back for more but before he could i grabbed him by the tea shirt.

"you leave her alone. you got it? she doesn't want your hands on her, go walk it off" i said sternly before shoving him back making him stumble which i didn't feel bad about since he was already wasted and could barely walk anyways.

I walked back over to her to check on her but before i could even get a word in she starts talking.

"i don't need your help or your protection" she hissed.

"I don't doubt that, but guys can get to be too much at these parties." i responded annoyed that she already had something to say "Are you okay? We can go upstairs, it's off limits it'll get you away from all these horny drunk assholes" i said sincerely to which she scoffed.

"You mean so this horny drunk asshole can get in my pants instead? I'm good." she said poking my chest at this.

"Woah what? I was just trying to get you in a space with less people, i can tell this is not your scene. Though you're dressed the part." i responded furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'm so sorry wait yes Greyson i totally want to be your number 256th on your girls i've slept with list" she said in a high pitched mocking voice before scoffing again while she walked away. I give up. For now.

Later that night i noticed her on the steps talking to the dirty blonde haired girl she came in with. She was slurring her words pretty bad, they looked like they had been arguing.

The dirty blonde girl stumbles onto me as she barely makes it to the last step.

"Oh hey you're must be Greyson, i know Belle is no fun, you could have me anytime you want" she said slurring all her words into one as she stood up straight and winked very awkwardly might i add before walking away to which Belle followed. Belle. Finally that's her name.

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