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I woke up early to get some homework done before my classes. I had to climb over Greyson while he was out and i definitely hit him with my knee, but he's such a deep sleeper he didn't even budge.

I grabbed my book bag and started up on my homework.

About two hours later i hear "are you doing homework at 9am? what a nerd" in a raspy voice.

"goodmorning to you too grey" i laughed and kept typing.

i finished up decently quick. After i closed my laptop he came over to me from the bathroom and wrapped his arms around my neck from behind resting his head on my shoulder and i laughed.
"you weigh a ton get off" i said moving his arms off of me.

he dramatically gasped "are you saying I'm fat?!"

"absolutely" i said patting his stomach which was straight steel. All i felt was abs.

"i'm hurt, and offended" he said with his hand on his chest.

"if drama queen fest is over i'd like my 'boyfriend' to walk me to my room so i don't get mauled on the way over" i said with a smile and putting air quotes on boyfriend.

"plus i have to give you these clothes when i change" i added.

"no keep them, they look good on you they don't fit me anymore anyways" he said with a shrug.
"but i will walk you to your room".

I look down at the clothes he gave me and how huge they were on me "maybe you are fat, these are huge" i said with a laugh and he pulled up his skirt to flex his abs.

"all muscle baby" he winked and i rolled my eyes laughing

"you're unbelievable let's go" i said grabbing my stuff and walking over to unfortunately put my heels back on.

"no no ill carry these and you can get a free piggyback ride to your room, you'll just hurt yourself walking in those" he said grabbing them.
i just laughed and nodded.

"works for me" i said and hopped on his back before we left the room.

"jesus this is how you see everything? how tall are you?" i said resting my head on his shoulder so i could see exactly the way he sees everything.

"6'2, which makes you incredibly short" he laughed.

"im "5'4, which is average for my age and im taler than most of the women in my family thank you very much" i said sternly.

"a bunch of santa's helpers i see now" he said with a laugh.

"ha ha short jokes so funny" i said sarcastically but couldn't help laughing along.

Friday rolled around pretty quick and this was the first time i wasn't anxious at the word "party".

The only thing i was anxious about was the fact that Lacy still wasn't home and that her mom was getting increasingly worse. I talked to her everyday and made constant check ins.

She loves that fact that i'm hanging out with Greyson she thinks we'll fall in love which is so funny to me.

I put on a black skirt with a maroon cropped sweater with big bell sleeves and some black lace fishnet tights and platform boots instead of heels because i knew it would kill my feet if i wore those twice in a week.

I curled my hair and i put on my regular makeup. I texted Greyson i was ready about 15 minutes ago which means he got ready when i sent that and he'll be here any minute. i kinda hate that i know how he works.

When i heard knocks on my door i grabbed my purse and headed to open it.

He looked me up and down and looked around the room "hey im looking for a girl who wears sweats a lot, talks in her sleep and hates parties is she here?" he said and i smiled rolling my eyes.

"let's go before i change my mind" i said stepping out and locking my door behind me.

"roger that" he said with a smile "seriously though you look good" he said which made me smile more.

"you clean up pretty well yourself" i said as we walked to his car.

I can't stand you.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora