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I get ready to head to the coffee shop to meet Alex, he's really nice and also needed help with calculus. In the middle of putting on some nicer clothes Lacy walks in our dorm

"Ooo where you going all dressed up? a date? god please say a date" she basically plead and i shook my head with a laugh.

"Nope, to tutor this guy named Alex" i said as i finished buttoning my jeans. I decided on light washed low waisted jeans with a brown sweater and some light jewelry.

"So you like him then? I don't see you get out of your sweats for anyone not even Greyson" she said furrowing her eyebrows.

"he's attractive, but i don't know how he feels we just started talking today when he was assigned to me." i said with a smile.

"okay so what does he look like? details bells details" she said pushing nosily.

"He's about 5'10" i said before she chimed in "good height" she said before i continued "mhm and he's got blonde hair about the length of Greyson's, and he has blue eyes. He's got a great sense of humor, he's really nice and respectful, and he's very calm mannered. I really like his vibe" i said finishing and she squealed

"Bells! i'm so happy for you! go rizz him up" she said with a squeal and i cringed

"please never said that again" i laughed before putting on my brown and white new balances and took off to head to the coffee shop.

When i noticed he wasn't there yet i decided to order a coffee and sit down setting up at the table.

I smiled and waved when he walked in scanning the room and then he walked over.

"you look nice" he said with a smile.
"thanks, got tired of wearing sweats" i said with a laugh.

I was so nervous, but i shouldn't be. It's not a date, it's not anymore than a tutoring session so i shifted my mind to that which helped me partially.

We studied for about 2 hours before i kept yawning for some reason, i wasn't even tired.

"You ready to go take a nap or something?" he laughed a little

"no no i'm so sorry apparently the coffee hasn't kicked in" i laughed back and shrugged.

"it's okay really my brain is fried, it needs a break honestly. did you drive here?" he asked and i shook my head in response.

"wanna go on a walk?" he asked and i nodded before responding.

"i need to get my steps in anyways" i said with a small laugh after and he nodded.

"well i know your dorms are further but i can definitely walk you back, i'd feel safer knowing you got back safely" he said giving me a little nudge and smiled.

"are you sure?" i responded furrowing my eyebrows.

"of course let's go" he said getting up and holding out his hand to help me get up which i happily accepted.

"Gosh it feels like i haven't walked in ages, my legs are stiff" i said with a laugh as we walked towards my dorms.

"I could always give you a piggy back ride there" he offered to which i shook my head "no thank you" i said politely declining.

"Oh come on, i got you, you're small means you're not heavy" he said trying to grab my arm to pull me onto his back to which i tugged it back.

"im not worried about my weight i just don't want to." i said sternly furrowing my eyebrows.

We stopped walking and i was just in shock, but figured my ptsd and anxiety were blowing it out of proportions.

He put his hands up "god sorry just trying to help" he said with annoyance in his voice.

We walked the rest of the way in silence even though i really just wanted to ask him to leave. Once we got to my dorm i stopped at the stairs because i didn't want him to know which room was mine.

"This is me, i'll see you later" i said before turning to walk up the stairs and he pulled my arm turning me around and kissed me. Roughly.

To which i did not kiss back i just tried to push him off of me, but he was a lot stronger than i was.

Finally someone grabbed him off of me and i caught my breath sitting down because my knees were so weak i couldn't stand i was just shaking in shock.

My ears were ringing and i was just trying to take deep breaths.

Finally i hear "Belle, belle hello? are you okay?" i finally snap back to reality looking Greyson in his dark brown eyes and nodded looking at the ground where Alex was laying.

When he stood up he had a bloody nose and a horrible bruise on the side of his face.

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