Chapter 11 : Tears and Promises

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Tears and Promises

'Punished for your sister's actions...'

'Marry my son...'

Baba's entire life's hard work washed away in mere moments because Ayesha ran away... Everything Mr.Khan said before leaving kept ringing in my ears as I still stood where he left me.

I could feel Baba's arms wrapped around me, calling my name, asking me to forget about everything but I couldn't even bring myself to look at him. All his hard work, his countless sleepless nights, everything would be finished.

"-Imani! Bacha, look at me, please!" Baba's voice was frantic as he forced my head up to look at him. Tears would not stop streaming down my face as he kept asking me to forget about everything that was said, that he'd handle whatever happened.

But the only thought crossing my mind was "Is it true?".

Baba fell silent upon hearing my question before asking me to not think about that. How am I supposed to forget? Every night you spent away from home, every hour you spent working overtime to make this company successful would be lost because of someone else's selfishness!

"Imani, listen to me, okay? This is a good thing, we've been given a chance to make things right!" Mama hurriedly approached me, her tone begging me to listen to her words.

"STOP IT! Stop spouting nonsense in front of her!" Baba's eyes were bloodshot as he yelled at Mama to leave.

"Hamdaan! You're not thinking logically right now! They want our Imani and in exchange, they'll protect everything! You heard them, didn't you?" The selfish thoughts of Mama sent chills of disgust down my spine.

"Logically? You want me to think logically when it comes to you SELLING my daughter?!" Baba stood in front of me, ready to fight with Mama in this matter.

"Is it true, Mama? Would this really affect Baba this badly?" My voice barely rose above a whisper as I posed my question. I need to know. Can one bad decision really take away years of hard work?

"Yes." I stumbled back upon hearing that answer, almost falling before Baba caught me. "If news of this marriage being called off reaches the wrong people, they can effectively ruin our company. It might have taken your father years to bring it to new heights but it would only take a few questions and actions to bring it to the ground."

"But Imani, the Khans, they can protect us. Whether it be rumors or clients backing off, they have the influence to stop it all. Your one yes can save everything!" Mama's tool on a hopeful tone as she tried to persuade me.

"Enough! This is all your fault! I told you countless times that Ayesha is not ready for marriage, and that too, with someone like Zaviyaar, but no! You rebuffed me every time and told me to back off. This is your doing so don't you dare try to make Imani fix your mess!" Baba held my hand and started leading me upstairs, ignoring Mama's pleas to listen to her.

Reaching my room, Baba locked us inside as I took a seat on the floor beside the door itself. I couldn't even bring myself to walk to the bed before collapsing.

"Imani, don't think about anything, okay? None of this is your fault, do you understand? Baba will handle everything. No company is more important than you, Imani..." Baba joined me on the floor, holding me in his arms and rocking us back and forth.

I know, Baba. I know nothing is more important to you than your kids' happiness. But I also know that nothing is more important to me than you. It's true that none of this is my fault but none of this is your fault either, Baba...

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