Chapter 15 : Kisses and Mirrors

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Kisses and Mirrors

'Imani, thank God you aren't in a leading position anywhere if this is how you shut down the opposition.' My subconscious is my own worst enemy. At least refrain from taunting me while my lips are glued against his!

I could tell Zaviyaar was in shock because of what I just did. His hands stayed where they previously were, one wrapped around me and the other by his side. He didn't even move while I kept my lips pressed tightly against his.

Even the sounds of the guards beating Hashim had stopped, waiting for further instructions from Zaviyaar.

Ten seconds was all that the kiss lasted but the rate at which my blood was pumping through my body, it had felt so much longer. The butterflies were back and I could feel the giddiness in my body increasing due to such an intimate act.

As soon as I backed off, my breathing was coming in as if I had run an entire marathon while Zaviyaar stood there looking shell-shocked. Even after breaking the kiss though, I kept holding onto his collar to keep him near. For what I was going to say, I needed him to hear it.

"You are my first kiss, you are my first relationship, and you will be my first everything! He is nothing, Only you..." My breathy voice broke off at the end, still having difficulty breathing properly.

I didn't wait around to see whether or not he understood my words. I could not take the bloody and violent scene any longer and broke free from his hold to run back inside. But before slamming the door shut, I turned around and saw that he was still standing in the same position where I had left him: his head bent down even though I had let go already.

As soon as the doors closed, the voices from outside became muffled, a sudden silence enveloping me. I leaned my head against the closed door, trying to process what I had just done.

While I tried not to physically show it, on the inside, I was cringing so badly. The amount of embarrassment I was feeling was literally causing me to shrivel up into a ball.

A smile crept onto my face as the butterflies in my tummy were having a field day. I just had my first kiss. I kissed Zaviyaar. I kissed my... husband. And it was out of urgency instead of love...

I could feel the euphoria lessening upon that realization. I didn't just kiss him, I forced a kiss on him... The giddiness in my stomach completely disappeared at that thought as disgust kicked in.

Oh God... I need to apologize. He must be feeling so violated! Stupid Imani! Why didn't I just say what I needed to instead of kissing him?!

'I told you, you're stupid, Imani.' I hate you, you're a stupid subconscious.

From the outside, I could hear Hashim shouting some pretty dirty profanities at Zaviyaar. Well, I tried to save him but I don't think he wants to be saved judging by the words he is currently screaming.

I expected Zaviyaar to order his guards to teach another lesson to Hashim so imagine my surprise when he ordered his guards to throw him out instead. Wait, did it work? No, no. What if he's coming in to take his anger out on me?! I shouldn't have kissed him!

I quickly scrambled to run upstairs, planning to hide under the bedroom covers till Zaviyaar left. My panic only increased when I heard the front door close the second I put my foot on the first stair. Hurry!!

I knew it was too late when hurried footsteps came in my direction. Within seconds, an arm wrapped around me and picked me up, carrying me off the few steps I had managed to climb. A scream escaped me when I felt my back be pressed against the wall.

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