Chapter 13 : Finally Mine

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Finally Mine...

'Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!'

I repeatedly hit my fist against the steering wheel, regretting the way I talked to her in my anger. But fuck, if she had really asked her boyfriend to help her run away...

No. She couldn't have. She loves her family too much to do that. But both, my brain and heart refuse to believe that, those insecure pieces of shit!

But I'm sure I did my research properly. She doesn't have a boyfriend, I'm sure of that. But what if she liked that guy... fuck! I'm going to kill him.

Deep breaths, deep breaths, Zaviyaar.

What did I just do... It's my wedding night and I left my Imani alone. Mine... I like the sound of that. She's mine now, all mine. Mine... and I'll be damned if I let anyone take her away from me.

Hashim Sultan, son of the owner of Sultan's, a national clothing brand. I looked into him after Baba mentioned he wanted to marry Imani. His family has been friends with the Malik's for a long time. But Imani doesn't want him... does she?

Damn it! Stop acting like an insecure bastard! I know I am insecure but at least stop showing it! And it's not that Imani doesn't like me, she's just afraid of me. And after my actions, I've basically enhanced her fear of me, good job.

"Why are you calling me on your wedding night? Shouldn't you be spending time with someone else?" I rolled my eyes at Father's words, hating the reminder of my jealous actions.

"Did you finish taking care of those loose ends?" I changed the topic, instead choosing to inquire about the idiotic photographer who thought she could fuck with us.

"Hmm... you don't have to worry about that. I'll take care of it. You go back where you are supposed to be." Father's tone was pointed, telling me to go back. But I can't do that right now, not when I'm still angry and don't know how to apologize to her.

"I'm coming over."

"Zaviyaar, I told yo-" I cut the call, refusing to listen to anything else. Maybe a good beating session for that fucker Hashim would help.


"I told you not to come." Disappointment was evident in Father's gaze. Don't worry, I am disappointed in myself as well.

"Is everything erased?" Looking down at the tied-up photographer trembling in her place caused me to roll my eyes. Why do these media people always think they can try to fuck us over and that we wouldn't do anything?

"Hmm... she won't be talking about it. She knows the consequences of doing so. Take her away." The guards dragged the trembling annoyance away. Well, if you're so scared of the consequences, then maybe don't fuck with us.

I lit a cigarette, sitting down on the railing on the seaside. The loud sounds of crashing waves are calming and at the same time, good for muffling any screams that might occur. Useful.

Letting out a deep puff, I could feel the tension releasing from my body alongside the smoke. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Father sit down and light one for himself.

"You didn't catch him?"

"No, he ran home. Unless you want to break in and get him from there, I don't think we can get him right now. Too much media attention is on us tonight." Damn it! Fuck, my hands are itching to break his face.

"Why are you here, Zaviyaar? Did you leave Imani all alone?" Father turned to me, his gaze refusing to back down till I answered.

"She doesn't want me. She hates me..." Fuck, her possible hate for me bothered me more than I would have ever thought was possible. My jaw clenched as I looked away, hating how weak I sounded right now.

His Forced Possessionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें