Chapter 18 : Dinners and Outbursts

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Dinners and Outbursts

One look at the clock made my hands work faster as the time was passing too quickly for my liking. On the one hand, I wanted it to go by even faster so I could finally see my family but on the other, I wanted it to slow down a little so I can finish working on dinner!

"Imani beta, I will finish the rest. You should go get ready already." Zeenut Aunty tried to take the bowl from my hands as I hastily worked on mixing the desert batter.

"Just 5 more minutes, Aunty. Once I put this in the oven, I'll go, promise." She kept looking at me worriedly while I started working even harder. Mix up already!

The past week has been nothing short of electric. So many new feelings, so many different glances and so much physical contact! That last one makes my heart skip, literally.

While Zaviyaar has not tried to kiss me again (since after the first time, I had refused to get out from under my blanket for quite a while), he has not refrained from holding me. Whether it be my wrists, my ankles or my waist, one thing or the other was always in his hold when he was around.

He's taken to helping me wear his anklets every morning by himself. He surprised me by going down on his knees again and holding my ankle to put them on. Another deja vu from the morning after our wedding night. I haven't protested wearing them either. I love the sounds they make whenever I move.

Also, he hasn't objected to me making breakfast for him ever since the first time. Either he really is busy with his calls or he loves me feeding him myself, he has not touched his breakfast by himself since. Honestly speaking, I don't mind either way because I like it. It feels so intimate and emotional, like a pure connection is forming between us. And who am I to deny that.

All my stuff was brought over the day of our first kiss itself. Apparently, Zeenut Aunty had adjusted all the stuff in the cupboards while I slept. When I opened it the next morning, I thought someone had done Harry Potter type magic. I was pretty high on excitement which was only up until Zeenut Aunty burst my bubble and said she did it. Mean, I tell you.

But one weird thing about it was that there was a lot of new stuff which wasn't mine. And by a lot I mean 'a lot'. Clothes, shoes, jewellery and loads of bangles. It was like a whole shop had been unloaded inside my cupboard. A whole stand filled with colourful bangles was placed on the dressing table.

My first thought was that Baba sent them for me but when I noticed Zaviyaar's glancing over continuously, I knew it wasn't Baba. So instead of asking if he bought them, I straight away questioned how he knew I liked them? And boy, the colour that marred that man's ears was the same shade as my cheeks, probably even redder. He had refused to answer my question, countering it with his own 'Do you like them?'. So I didn't answer either. Simply pecked his cheek, said a thank you and went back to admiring the pretty, clinking bangles. And throughout my admiration, I felt the same burning gaze fixed on my back.

Besides Zaviyaar's shock-inducing actions, I've been so excited to see my family. I haven't even heard them talk in so long because of no contact. And for those people who think I should just sneak my phone back or use the landline, you think I haven't thought about that?

All the landlines inside the house have been disconnected for the time being and when I asked Zeenut Aunty, she simply told me Zaviyaar said to do it. She is not even allowed to turn on her own personal phone. So the restriction isn't just on me.

And regarding my phone, I heard the stupid thing ringing from Zaviyaar's study once and let's just say, the kind of things I heard on that 10 second call, it's a good thing Zaviyaar took it away when he did. Paparazzi can be really brutal and cruel with their questions...

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