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Holy shit! Im into the quarter-finals of the French Open! Never would i have thought of this happening.

As i sit on the training bike in the gym i feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Boo" The voice sounded familiar. I tuned around and saw someone I definitely did not expect to see. "Are you just going to sit there with your mouth open or say hi to your best friend"

"Holy shit! What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to find some food, got any recommendations?"


He laughed silently at me before speaking again "What do you think I'm here for. You stupid!

"Okay first thing, don't call me stupid. Secondly- no i don't have a second actually. I still can't believe your here. Wait how did they let you in here?" The gyms only had Player, coach or family access, no friends allowed for some reason. So I guess that was partially the reason i was so surprised to see Arthur here.

"I know people" He said, putting a finger over his mouth.

I raised an eyebrow in question "Now, are you here just to surprise me and say hi or are you going to congratulate me?" I chuckled at him as his mouth formed into an 'O' shape.

"Ohhh my god how dare I. Congrats! I can't believe my best friend is in the quarter-finals for the first time. Such a flex honestly." He said rambling on. It took a lot of will in me not to laugh at him. "Oh and you don't play tomorrow right?" I shook my head. "Mm perfect, Im taking you somewhere tonight to celebrate. Not fancy just so you know! I will pick you up at uhh 5."

"Okay... where are we going?"

"Uh-ah can't tell you, thats ruins the surprise!"

"Tell me, i'll give you ten dollars" One thing i have learnt over the past month of knowing little Leclerc is that he will take a money bribe without thought.

"We are going to- wait. No! How dare you try and bribe me into telling you!"

"Almost got you though"

"Im leaving, i'll see your mean ass at 5"

"Caio Arthur!"

I heard a small caio back, when I looked back he was already gone. I wonder what he planned and most importantly he was here in France! To watch me!
I know it may not seem as a big deal. Monaco was a 30 minute drive from here but no friend of mine would have ever done something like this for me when i was younger. Even just at a local comp, never! Im great full for the new friends i have made.


After doing all my stretches with my trainer i headed back to my hotel. Plopping onto my bed before sliding off and rolling onto the floor. Sometimes the floor is just so much comfier than a bed after a long day of doing sports.

Im still in denial about Arthur being here. I've surprisingly already accepted the thought of me being into the quarter-finals which is surprising.

I decided that it was about time i went for a shower then went to go get ready for this mystery plan of Arthur's.


He said casual so i picked out a shirt and skirt. Casual enough right? I tried tying my hear into braids but got frustrated after one so I quit and just left my hair out even though I hated it. Don't ask why.

As I was putting my other converse on, a knock on the door left me with half of my foot in my shoe and my heel still out. I limped to the door opening it to see Arthur standing there. White button up shirt, Black pants, White shoes oh and a new watch. Wonder who got him that, unless he bought it himself. With the money he has. Rich people things.

"What is going on down there" He said, a laugh escaping his lips.

"Well i was putting my other shoe on and got interrupted, you'll never guess what happened!" I say, exaggerating my words.


"Noting, stupid. You knocked on the door" I saw his excited face turn into a flat face. More or less giving me a 'really?' Look. It was quite funny.

"Come in, give me a second to shove this other foot into my shoe."

After struggling to put my shoe on, I grabbed my bag and stood up. Now waiting on Arthur who was texting someone.

"Well well how the tables turn, now I'm the one waiting."

"Yeah yeah" He said shutting his phone off and getting up from my bed. "Your lucky i didn't fall asleep, we would've never gotten anywhere" He added.


We arrived... somewhere. It was near the coast thats all i know. The sea breeze was in as we walked to... I don't know where we are going to so I can't say.

We ended up at a beach. It was like a restaurant but you sat at the beach. At first when i saw it I was like this is so pretty and cool but the more you think about it you remember your sitting on sand. It's going to get into your food, your drink, your clothes for gods sake.

Lucky for me Arthur had reserved a spot with wooden decking. It was to the side of the place, more out of view from others. There was two tables there. But only one in use and someone seemed to be sitting there? Did he invite someone while forgetting to tell me? It's possible.

"There, thats our table." Arthur said. Pointing to the table we were walking to.

"Who's there?"

"Oh did i forget to tell you." His eyebrows furrowed "Oh no i didn't, this was part of my plan" He mumbled to himself. I barely heard it, which I bet he was thankful for.

"Arthur" I tapped his shoulder to get him to turn around "Look at the sunset! It's beautiful."

All i got was a hum in response. However i did feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

They weren't Arthurs, he wouldn't do that.

But I already know who's they are...

Authors note
Sorry for not uploading yesterday, just didn't have time to write and my Wattpad was acting up.
Hope this chapter was okay.
Also hope it makes sense.

Any errors will tried to be fixed.

Any criticism on my writing for it to improve, let me know

1135 words

Buongiorno o buonanotte

IT'ᔕ ᗯᕼO YOᑌ ᗰEET, Kimi Antonelli Where stories live. Discover now