Chapter 8

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Even Leah's bad mood couldn't ruin the joy of running as Natania raced through the woods. The blue wolf kept a few pawsteps behind her, though Natania knew if she ran all out, Leah could pass her. Natania slowed a step and nudged Leah's shoulder.

"Don't wait on my account, run," she invited.

Leah didn't need to be told twice and raced forward, paws barely skimming over the earth. Natania pelted after her. Fierce joy filled her as they ran, heart beating steadily, always sure of the next pawstep.

They caught up to Grace and Damien about two miles away from where the herd lay. Natania slid a few feet as she slowed, pine needles slipping under her. Leah slowed more gracefully and Natania heard her laugh quietly.

"You're here!" Grace nudged Natania's shoulder with her muzzle while Damien waved his tail in greeting. The foursome walked the rest of the way, both to conserve their energy, and because Damien was notably slower than the rest of them.

As they approached the herd of elk, they slowed even more, stalking forward with careful steps. Natania scanned the group for a small or sickly one. Their group wasn't large enough to take out a fully grown or healthy male.

Natania located a good target and shared the image with her pack. She felt a steady determination in them, along with a hefty dose of fear from Grace.

"You'll be fine," Natania assured her. "I won't let you get hurt."

Grace nodded and some of the fear slid away, though she was definitely still frightened. Natania signaled with her tail and the group cautiously crept forward. "I will break the herd," Natania said.

Natania raced forward, entirely focused on her target. She felt the other wolves fall into step around her, Damien just a bit too far behind. He wouldn't be useful in slowing it down, but he could help take it down.

The elk scattered around her, racing off in every direction but Natania stayed focused on the one she had picked out. Leah came up beside her and Natania nodded, letting her take point.

Leah caught up to the beast easily, sinking her teeth into its hind leg. It tried to kick but Leah yanked hard and the beast stumbled. Natania went for the front leg, trying to pull it off balance. Grace hung back as the beast kicked out again but Damien ran in, latching onto the other hind leg.

It reared up and the wolves let go at Natania's order. She didn't want any of them to get injured by those flailing legs. Damien moved in front of the beast, letting out a loud snarl.

The elk spooked, spinning around and running directly at Grace. The spotted wolf froze, ducking down in terror.

"No!" Natania roared, she bolted ahead of the beast, just barely making it in time, and shoved Grace out of the way. There was a sickening crunch as one of the beast's legs stomped on Natania's left hind leg and she yipped with pain, crumpling to the ground.

Their chase forgotten, the wolves crowded around Natania.

Natania shook out her pelt, rising unsteadily to her feet. "Are you okay?" she demanded, sniffing at Grace.

"F-fine," she replied, shaking with fear. "You saved me." Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she stared at them.

"That was a grotesque sound," Leah remarked. "Is your leg broken?"

Natania tucked her leg in, it was burning with pain, but she had to make sure Grace was okay first. "Yes, it'll heal. It's fine." She sniffed at Grace. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I think she's just in shock," Damien said.

"Take her home," Natania ordered him.

"What about-"

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