Chapter 16

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"So what happens to a gay pureblood?" Valerie asked out of the blue one day when they were alone. They were lounging outside the school, sharing a rabbit Valerie had caught.

Natania shot her a surprised look. "What?"

Valerie raised an eyebrow. "You're supposed to have children right? So what if you don't?"

Natania's ears twitched, she took another bite of the rabbit before answering. "Then another pack will take it upon themselves to kill you."

"Ouch," Valerie winced.

"What brought this on?" Natania asked, confused at the question.

The tan wolf padded around so she was facing Natania and sat down, looking very serious. "I know."

"Know what?" Natania got to her paws, tilting her head.

"That you're gay," Valerie said simply.

Natania blinked. "What are you talking about?" she said, incredulous. "I'm not gay."

"I'm not going to tell anyone," Valerie assured her. "You don't have to deny it."

"Um," Natania squinted at her. "I don't know how to tell you this, but I'm really... not? Though I appreciate the open mind."

Valerie frowned. "Nat, I saw you at that meeting, you had tons of extremely attractive men to choose from, and you didn't look at a single one. Heck you were repulsed by them looking at you."

Natania flicked her tail. "I'm sixteen, and most of them were a lot older than that."

Valerie groaned. "You know what I mean. Stop denying it, I've seen the way you stare at Leah. You're pinning hard. I don't know what happened between you that made you fight, but you look like a kicked puppy when she ignores you now."

Natania froze. Her heart ached at the thought of Leah. Then she blinked, she felt like she'd been slapped in the face. Wait a minute, am I gay? Natania's eyes widened. She thought about the way her stomach fluttered and her heart raced, that she couldn't get the wolf out of her head. Natania blinked a few times. Am I crushing on Leah?

Valerie frowned at her. "Why am I getting the impression this is news to you?"

"Because it is?" Natania muttered.

Valerie gaped. "How do you pin so hard for someone and not even realize it?"

"I guess, I don't know!" Natania sputtered. "There isn't exactly a manual!"

Valerie broke out in laughter, her eyes starting to water. "Well, I'm glad I could help you on this journey."

Natania started pacing. "I'm not! How am I supposed to look at her now? I can't do this! I'm forbidden!" Natania turned a wide eyed look to Valerie, who sobered.

"You don't have to tell the other purebloods."

"You can't hide that kind of thing! Plus, she hates me! What am I..." Natania trailed off, quivering.

Valerie brushed up against her. "She doesn't hate you. Relax Nat, you haven't signed your death warrant yet. You're sixteen. You can date whoever you want, and pick a mate fifty years from now if that's what you decide. Why don't you just talk to her?"

"I scared her," Natania whispered. "I lost my temper, and now she thinks I'm a monster like my father."

Valerie scoffed. "You're nothing like him. Nat, you saved her mother's life, one temper tantrum isn't going to make her hate you."

"You clearly don't know Leah," Natania muttered.

"Maybe," Valerie barked a laugh. "Why don't you just try talking to her?"

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