Chapter 6

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Venus finally got what she wanted, alone time with Ethan. She sat on the back of the ATV as the wind felt fresh on her skin. Trevor was on one of the other ATVS with Summer and Jack with Amanda but they were on their own trails. Venus directed Ethan over to small waterfall connected to a stream. She hopped of and made her way to the water.

She took of her shoes and leaped over to a huge rock dangling her legs into the clear water. She signaled Ethan over and he followed as instructed.

"Wow Venus this place is so beautiful", "Breathtaking actually", "So do you bring all your brothers friends here?" He said inching closer to her face. "Only the really cute ones she joked. He blushed turning away. She pulled his face back to hers. She's been waiting for this moment.

It doesn't feel right, not here. Not at the place Quinn showed her. It shouldn't matter, he doesn't matter, she tried to shake it off. She leaned closer and closer. She just couldn't do it. Not at her and Quinn's spot.

"Let's go for swim" she jolted away giggling to cover up the guilt she felt. "Oh okay sure" he followed with a frown.

They went back to the house to change, On the way out Like invited himself, This didn't bother Venus though. she had a plan.

"Ethan can you teach me to ride a jet ski?" Venus asked before being escorted happily to the jet ski. Ethan hopper on first, scooting back to make room for Venus.

"Okay so you're gonna wanna gently sink into this button and turn your body with the jet ski" he explained adjusting her hands on the handles. Venus knew how to drive a jet ski and he would soon figure that out too.

"You played me" he chuckles, "Maybe I just wanted to get you alone" she giggles turning around to face him and she pulls into a neighboring dock. The young adults hop of sit on the dock.

"You wanted me alone?" He raises an eyebrow, "yeah is that a problem?" She says tugging him closer and bitting her lip while he towers over her even sitting down. "Why do you want me alone?" He flirts. To Venus actions speak louder than words, her lips collapse onto his. Her left hand on the back of his neck and her right one in his hair. Both of his hands make there way down to her waist pulling her closer. Venus body relying Ethan's for support as she is now fully on top of him on the deck. His hands begin to wander and she stops to gasp for air. They giggle before Venus pushes herself up.


The rest of the day was full of sneaking around. Venus craved that lust, that adrenaline of getting caught, a hot and heavy makeout in laundry room while everyone was watching movies in the living room, a kiss behind Luke as he rummaged the fridge, every chance Venus and Ethan got, they took.

The second night at the lake house is over but not without game night. Uno, monopoly, candy land, cards, operations, you name it, they have it.

"I hate playing uno with you guys" Venus complains drawing the "+4" she just received from Jack.

"you can't take my property!" Trevor yells at Luke

"I can't do this properly with you breathing in my ear!" Quinn yells at Trevor

Game night with NFL Hockey Players isn't for the weak

Everyone is off to bed, not asleep. Venus just hoped Ethan wasn't asleep yet.

You up?

Yeah what's up

Late night swim
No swimwear needed

Venus snuck out of her room quietly considering Quinn was asleep in the bed next to hers. She tiptoed out of the room and saw that Ethan had already left the door open for her. She walked out to the doc and could see Ethan's figure throwing his arms up. She walked up to him and kissed him with a hunger and passion like the prior kisses. She took a step back, they couldn't see eachothers features only a silhouette of eachother's bodys. She took off her top and shorts first. He followed by taking his shirt and shorts. She processed to unclip her bra and slide off her underwear. He followed and admired her body or what he could see with the dim moonlight. She walked over to the end of the doc and jumped. She bopped her head up and tilted it.

"Scared Edward's?" She teased, on the note his splash followed. He swam over to her grasping her body underwater and kissing her softly. His lips traced down to her neck and he began to suck lightly. She giggled "no no, no hickeys Ethan my brother would kill us". His stopped and made his way back to her lips. She jumped up and cling to his body with her legs around him. They would giggle in between kisses until they heard tree rattle.

They both hopped out of the water, rushing to put their clothes back on. Quinn's story must have of really got to them. The giggled running back into the house and sneaking back into their rooms. Venus made it back to her and moments later Quinn walked in. She looked confused. "Where were you?" She questioned. "Not skinny dipping that's for sure " he replies sarcastically. There was no ghost, just Quinton Hughes.

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