Chapter 14

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Semi edited.

We walk through the cafe and find a booth by the window.

"This is so cute" Jessica said.

I take my jacket off and put it down on the booth bench. "I know right? They have pretty good food too."

"Good because I'm starving" She said.

We just got out of work and decided to get dinner since Nolan had to go run some errands so I invited her to dinner.

They're only a few years older than me so given our close age gap we have some things in common.

We've been getting closer at work and it was only a matter of time before we hung out outside of work.

The waitress comes over and takes our drink orders and we go over the menu.

"So how are you liking the team so far?" She asked.

"It's really great. The whole dynamic is very welcoming."

"That's exactly what I thought when I first came to the team many years ago" She said.

I take a sip of my iced tea. "When did you first start?"

"I actually got hired right out of college, which as we all know is very unheard of so when they offered me the job I took it" She said.

"That's great."

Our waitress comes back to take our orders, both of us ordering a half sandwich and cup of soup combo.

I go with the grilled cheese and tomato soup and Jessica gets the turkey and swiss with chicken and wild rice soup.

Even though we live in Florida it's a little on the chilly side so hot soup sounds pretty good.

"So how did you and Nolan meet?"

She smiles. "We met when I was hired. He was already the team trainer and it was love at first sight, but we had to keep our relationship a secret until we figured something out so we didn't lose our jobs" She said.

I raise my eyebrows. "Oh wow."

"Yeah, at the time they had a no dating policy, but the person who made that rule was leaving so we had to wait until he left and we could be free" She said.

"Wow, how long did you guys have to wait?"

"We waited 6 months, but we started dating 2 weeks after meeting. We both agreed that we were meant to be together, it's an indescribable feeling so we just knew and even though it sucked to wait sneaking around was also pretty fun" She smirked at the last part.

I could just imagine.

The waitress comes back with our food and thank goodness because I'm starving.

"So what's the deal with you and James?" She asked.

I knew that was coming.

"We're friends. My twin sister and I have been best friends with him since our moms took us to mommy and me classes. As we got older I fell in love with him and by the time we started highschool I couldn't deal with seeing him around other girls so I distanced myself from him and this is the first time seeing each other since we graduated highschool."

"Oh my, that explains his reaction to seeing you at the meeting" She said.

I laughed. "Yeah... It was definitely a surprise, but we've hashed everything out and we're back to being best friends again."

"With some serious sexual tension" She laughed.

I laugh with her. "You're not wrong. We've always been flirty with one another so that's nothing new."

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