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Semi edited.

~~~Ryot's pov~~~

I pick up the tie and loop it around my neck then bend down to his level.

"Ok bud... I know you're still young, but it's never too young to learn how to tie and tie" I said to him.

"Ok Daddy" He said swinging his feet back and forth.

Tyler showed me how to tie a tie when I was 6 so I'm showing him 3 years early, but maybe one day when he's older he'll remember this moment.

I proceed to tie my tie, making sure to tell him how I'm doing it as I go.

I pull it tight and then it's done. "And that Harley is how you tie a tie."

He holds his bowtie and moves his hands around trying to mimic what I did, but just ends up with a balled up tie.

I chuckle. "Alright bud... Let me help you" I take it from hands and tie the bowtie for him.

His bright blue eyes pierce me. "Who taught you how to do this Daddy?" He asked.

"I did" Tyler said from the doorway.

"Grandpa!" Harley raced over to him.

"There's my little guy. You look so handsome" He said to him.

Harley loves hanging out with his grandparents.

They babysit him and Huxley all the time and personally I think they do it since they have empty nest syndrome since Knox is in college now.

"Why don't we go see mommy" Tyler suggested making Harley nod his head.

They left the room and I take a few minutes to myself.

I check myself in the mirror and make sure I look good.

Today is the day I finally marry Everly and I'm so excited to finally call her my wife.

I proposed to her a little over a year after we had Harley, but we ended up having Huxley Ryot James when Harley was 2 so we had to postpone getting married.

Tyler walks back into the room. "You ready?" He asked.

I grinned. "I've never been more ready in my life."

He smiled. "Good. I know I've said this before, but there's not a person better for my daughter than you" He said.

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Thank you Tyler. If it wasn't for you showing me what a man should be like I don't know where I'd be, so thank you."

He comes over to me and gives me a hug. "You're a good man and a good father Ryot, and I'm very thankful I get to be apart of your life" He said with his eyes welling up.

"I am too Tyler."

He checks his watch. "It's just about time, I should go see the bride" He said.

~~~Everly's pov~~~

"Sam, don't mess up your dress" My sister says to her daughter.

I look over at Harley quietly coloring and then showing his picture to Huxley.

He loves being a big brother and he was so happy when we told him I was pregnant.

Even though he's only 3 he's been a big help with Huxley.

My sister comes to sit down by me. "Still can't believe you're marrying Ryot can ya?" She asked.

I smile and shake my head. "Still feels like an amazing dream that I never want end."

She nods. "I get it, that's how I felt when River confessed his feelings for me. Now we're married with 1 kid and 1 on the way" She rubs her very pregnant belly.

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