Chapter Seven

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Three days had elapsed since the harrowing murders near the University of Arizona, and Bailey's thoughts had become a cacophony of questions, frustrations, and a growing sense of unease. The usual rhythms of campus life had resumed, albeit with an uneasy undercurrent that permeated every corner of the university. An eight pm curfew was put into effect to limit the number of bodies roaming the university and downtown area, as well as the rest of the city. However, Bailey knew it wouldn't do any good, she knew the Ripper would find a way to ruin more lives. 

Since the murders, Bailey's days were a relentless dance between academic obligations and her insatiable hunger for answers. She unfortunately couldn't shake the one question that nagged at her brain: Why hadn't the Ripper struck again? It defied the patterns of serial killers she had studied in the past. The sudden pause in the spree of violence felt like a strategic move, an eerie calm before an impending storm and that was what worried her the most. What was the Ripper planning? Were they waiting for the storm to calm only to strike even more violently then the last three? There was no doubt in her mind that the Ripper was not done, but yet she questioned it. Plenty of serial killers have taken hiatuses. The Unabomber went unsolved for six years until he decided to send another bomb. The Green River Killer stopped periodically between his murders. So why did three days bother her so much? 

On the eve of the third day, Bailey sat on the couch, half-engaged in the attempt to unwind with a romcom classic, "Clueless," playing on the television. Beside her, Eva, had insisted on a movie night as a brief respite from the relentless pursuit of the Phantom Ripper. The vibrant colors and upbeat soundtrack of the film should have provided a temporary escape, but Bailey's mind was a turbulent sea, unwilling to be calmed.

Despite the lively banter and fashion-forward escapades of the characters on-screen, Bailey's attention wavered. Her eyes, fixed on the television, seemed to see beyond the vibrant world of "Clueless." The events of the past few days, the chilling murders, and the inscrutable silence of the Phantom Ripper clung to her thoughts like a persistent shadow.

Eva glanced at Bailey, sensing the tension that lingered beneath the surface. "Come on, Bailey, this is supposed to be a distraction," she playfully nudged. Bailey managed a small smile, her attempt at blending into the movie night façade. She nodded, trying to immerse herself in the frivolous world of high school drama and comedic misunderstandings, but the gravity of the investigation tugged at her focus.

The signature catchphrases and quirky humor of "Clueless" echoed in the room, but Bailey's mind was a whirlwind of crime scenes and unanswered questions. She stole occasional glances at her friend, who seemed genuinely immersed in the film, the lines of worry that etched Bailey's face escaping her notice.

As the movie progressed, Bailey's attempts at relaxation faltered. She fidgeted on the couch, her gaze drifting to her phone, where the latest updates on the investigation awaited. The dichotomy between the lighthearted romantic comedy on screen and the darkness that clouded her thoughts became increasingly stark. Finally, Bailey sighed, unable to shake off the somber reality that eclipsed the attempted escape into cinematic fantasy.

"I'm sorry, Eva. I just can't get my mind off the case," Bailey confessed, her shoulders slumping with the weight of the unsolved mystery. Eva, understanding and sympathetic, turned off the TV. They exchanged a silent acknowledgment that, for now, the murders had woven themselves too intricately into their lives to be set aside by a simple movie night.

As the echoes of the failed movie night lingered in the air, Eva turned towards Bailey with genuine concern etched across her face. The weight of the unsolved murders had left a palpable tension in the room, and Eva, ever attuned to her friend's emotions, couldn't ignore the deeper struggle beneath the surface.

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