Chapter Eight

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Monday morning arrived swiftly for Bailey and Eva, the routine of getting ready for school a brief respite from the relentless demands of their investigation. Unaware of the new murder that had occurred in the Highland Parking Garage, the two friends went about their morning rituals with a sense of normalcy, the weight of the unsolved case momentarily lifted.

As they exchanged casual banter over coffee in their kitchen, their conversations focused on mundane topics — upcoming assignments, weekend plans, and the latest campus gossip. The news of another tragedy had yet to reach them, and the air was still infused with the illusion of routine.

Bailey, sipping her coffee, checks her cell phone's clock before slipping it into the back pocket of her jeans. "We better head to school, we don't want to be late for class," Bailey says as she takes one more sip from her coffee before dumping the small bit of coffee out into the sink. Eva who also glances at her cell phone, nods in agreement and gathers her already packed book bag and purse from the floor beside her. She quickly sings both bags over her shoulders, then slips her phone into her purse before moving towards the apartment's front door. 

Bailey quickly runs into her bedroom to grab her book bag and then joins Eva as she begins to exit the apartment, her car keys wrapped around her wrist. "Ready?" Eva asks Bailey as she locks the door. Bailey nods and starts down the path and into the parking lot. 


As Bailey and Eva approach the Highland Parking Garage, where Bailey typically parks, a foreboding chill settles over them as they are met with an unexpected scene. Flashing police lights painted the concrete walls in hues of blue and red, casting an unsettling glow on the chaotic scene. Crowds of onlookers, a mix of curious students and concerned faculty, had gathered at the perimeter, their hushed conversations punctuated by gasps and whispers of disbelief. 

Bailey quickly throws her car into park, ignoring the harsh grind her brakes make from not coming to a complete stop. Bailey, then fumbles out of the vehicle, leaving the keys and the rest of her belongings inside the vehicle. Bailey's heart quickened, a sense of dread intensifying with every step she took toward the unfolding tragedy. Eva, who joined her seconds after, mirrored the gravity of the situation in her wide-eyed expression. As they reached the police barricade, Bailey discreetly flashed her intern badge, hoping to gain access to the scene. The officer guarding the barricade gives the badge a quick once over and shakes their head, rejecting Bailey's feeble attempt at gaining access to the crime scene. Bailey curses and pockets the badge and squeezes her way back out of the crowd to find a better view of the scene, but before she can get anywhere, she is stopped by Sergeant Rodriguez.

"Miss Carson." The sergeant calls out, her voice coated with concern and disapproval. Bailey curses again then sighs and looks at her commanding officer. "You should not be here Miss Carson." The Sergeant says sternly. "I park here ma'am, I'm a curious bystander like everyone else," Bailey responds, her voice hinting with both frustration and annoyance. The sergeant's brows furrow as she crosses her arms over her chest, telling Bailey that she didn't believe her. "Then why did you try to gain access to the scene?" The Sergeant asks. Bailey gently bites her lip and tangles her fingers together in her jacket pocket. "I can't help my curious nature, ma'am," Bailey admits. "Couldn't you at least tell me what happened?" She pleads, her bottom lip poking out slightly in a way that children would do in hopes of getting what they want. Bailey steals a glance toward Eva, whose body language reads how uncomfortable she is from being near the crime scene. The blood had nearly washed from her face, and she looked ready to bolt but stayed to support Bailey as promised.

 "You know very well I cannot share that with you." The sergeant replies, her eyes darting between the two young women. "Was it him?" Bailey presses. Sergeant Rodriguez sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose. "I am trying to protect you, Bailey." She replies. "I don't need it. I can handle myself." Bailey replies. "I get that you don't need it or want it. But it is my job as an officer to protect and serve my community. You are a part of this community and not an officer, therefore I am not obligated to say anything." The Sergeant replies sternly. Bailey crosses her arms over her chest and curses under her breath. "I just want to help. This maniac has slaughtered three of my friends now, possibly more." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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