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I never thought I would die so easily it's where one realizes how fragile human life is.

Making a recount I was returning home after a long day of work.

Damn it I missed the last train of the day. I guess I'll have to go back home by changing.

While I was walking I felt a strong dizziness and almost fell luckily I managed to stabilize myself in time before collapsing.

When I realize that I am in a white room as far as my eyes can see.

????: You have died.

In that moment the voice of a woman catches my attention. She is very beautiful the type of European woman with long blue hair. Her eyes are also blue. She is wearing a navy blue dress with light blue stripes.

Aqua: I am the goddess Terra but I am also known as Aqua. I am the goddess who rules your world.

Me: A truck?

Aqua: (Uncomfortable laughter) No you died from an implosion.

Me: An implosion?

Aqua: Yes the gods have the duty to monitor the worlds to prevent the creation of wormholes due to the gravitational force of the planets. The interaction of gravity between celestial bodies causes the formation of spatial distortions, and because I couldn't act in time you have died.

Me: Well if I'm already dead I'm dead. There's nothing more that can be done so now what?

Aqua: Well since you died because I couldn't arrive on time I would feel bad if I just left you like that. But as an apology I will give you a second chance. I will reincarnate you in another world as an apology.

Me: Another world?

Aqua: Yes it's a quite chaotic world and there are wars against aliens and stuff like that. You can have fun however you like and however you want.

Me: But if I go to that kind of world it's obvious that I would be violated within the first minute of stepping into that world.

Aqua: Indeed that's why I will give you cheat abilities whichever you desire but with the only condition that you don't choose fantasy weapons or science fiction weapons that surpass the 21st century.

Wow you make it really difficult for me. How will I reincarnate in that world and which world will I go to?

Aqua: It is a world identical to Azur Lane you will reincarnate as a kansen if you want and if you don't want to you can reincarnate as a simple human with the ability you choose.

Me: Hmm I think I choose to reincarnate as a kansen. I would like to choose a modern ship and possess the abilities of Raiden from Metal Gear Rising.

Aqua: Modern ships.... Alright, you can choose any ship from the game Modern Warship but you can only choose ships that you have unlocked.

Me: Hmmmm what can I choose?

I would go with USS Enterprise CVN-80 but I don't have the money so it's not unlocked... The Russian aircraft carrier? No that one is too slow... ROCK CVX? I haven't even bought that one because it doesn't interest me even though it has missiles... Gerald Ford? Shandong beats it...

I have the ability of Raiden... A ship compatible with Raiden? It has to be a Japanese ship... here you go...

Me: I choose Izumo.

Aqua: Are you sure you want this ship?

Me: Yes this ship is compatible with the skills I chose as trap skills.

Aqua: Well in that case you're going to reincarnate. Since you've chosen to reincarnate as a kansen do you know what's going to happen to your body?

Me: Yes the kansen are women right? Also isn't it known that warships are referred to with feminine pronouns?

Aqua: Indeed I will do my best to help you mentally adapt to your new body to prevent mental breakdowns.

Me: thank you.

Aqua: Well let's start right away with the reincarnation procedure you will reincarnate as  remember that you will appear in that world with the weapons that the ship is equipped with.

Me: I understand.

After that my field of vision turns black and then my vision is replaced by the blue sea. I look around and can see that it is noon in the middle of the sea. It seems like I have been reincarnated in the middle of the sea.

Me: Well... (Moves the body) it seems like my body has no issues moving. My body feels very light... Wow! Look at these really big breasts...

I look at my body and it seems like I'm wearing a white Japanese dress with stripes that resembles snake skin covering my left shoulder and my entire arm including my hand. On my right arm I have a gray ash-colored armor where I have equipped the Sea Ram and Phalanx CIWS.

The skirt has the color of my flight cover and the designation 183 I wear socks the color of my flight cover I wear metal shoes that resemble sandals my outfit consists of a flight cover on my left and the command bridge housed on my right.

The skirt has the color of my flight cover and the designation 183 I wear socks the color of my flight cover I wear metal shoes that resemble sandals my outfit consists of a flight cover on my left and the command bridge housed on my right

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When I try to draw my sword, a modern-style Japanese sword appears from my scabbard. Upon unsheathing the sword I can see sparks emanating from it and as I unsheath it the blade is covered in a blue light.

Me: How fun this is. It's been a long time since I felt this unrestrained sensation. My body is urging me to fight against someone.

I thought my body had already forgotten this exhilarating sensation of being able to fight against something or someone. When I was a student I used to compete in martial arts. But after graduating and leaving all that behind to focus on studying and working now that I've reincarnated I can do whatever I want right? I can let loose as much as I want can't I?

To be continued

AZUR LANE: Reincarnated as JS Izumo.(Translate)Where stories live. Discover now