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The girls continued with their leisure activities. There was an occasion when Sandy was almost devoured by a shark, but fortunately, Izumo riddled it with her ASROC grenade launcher, and the shark was killed. Later, Izumo caught the shark, and its meat would be used for dinner. According to Nevada, she proudly claimed to have studied cooking worldwide. The reason she and her sister became ship girls was so they could travel the world for work, and she used her free time to study cooking.

Nevada: Today I will cook Sashimi using shark meat!

The girls: YAY!

Izumo: Yes, youth is good.

Belfast: Why are you speaking like an old lady?

After the Nevada declaration, the girls continued with their activities and Izumo joined the volleyball game, this time she would play for the Lexington team and she would face the Baltimore team.

Baltimore: (Excited) It seems like you have a good physique, I've seen you fight during this war, I hope you'll be a good rival.

Izumo: (Excited) Don't hold back.

And the game began, the game was even thanks to Izumo's agility and reaction, but since the rest of the girls couldn't keep up with Izumo and Baltimore's pace, in the end, the Lexington team lost and was knocked out. The only girl left standing was Izumo, the rest were lying in the arena while breathing heavily.

Baltimore: Not bad Izumo, it's a shame your teammates don't do as well as you.

Izumo: (Smiling) It was a good game, I had a lot of fun.

Baltimore: Great! How about joining a race now?

Izumo: Now? I think I have to pass, I don't want to dirty my combat uniform.

Baltimore: (Sad) Really? I want to have a partner.

Izumo: Hey, what do you think about tomorrow in the early morning? I can run with you if you want.

Baltimore: Really? I accept!

Izumo: Wow, you have so much energy.

Baltimore only responds with a friendly smile.


After playing volleyball with the girls, I head to clean up my sweat. I go to my room to change my wet and dirty clothes from the sweat, dirt, and sand after diving to the ground to save the ball during the game. The real reason I rejected Baltimore was because I was at my limit and no longer had the energy to keep up with Baltimore's pace.

Me: Yes, that girl has a good physique both in terms of muscle and having a beautiful figure, which is why she was my favorite character in the game.

So I decided to put on my swimwear that I used in my past life, the shorts are a bit small for me, but since my waist and butt are somewhat big, the shorts were able to provide support and didn't fall off. To cover my breasts, I will only wear a bathing suit top and a sleeveless shirt. The shirt will cover the scars I have on my abdomen.

When I excitedly went out to play in the sand, all I could see was that the blue sky is now black and a torrential rain was falling.

Me: And where did this storm rain come from?

Well, at least let's take a walk on the beach, so I extend my hand and summon an umbrella. How can I do all this out of nowhere?

The answer is simple, I can invoke anything from my past life or any object that is inside my vessel.

AZUR LANE: Reincarnated as JS Izumo.(Translate)Where stories live. Discover now