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In the restaurant in the Sakura Empire, she is having lunch after such a busy day of preparing reports on the failed mission to attack the Eagle Union fleet. She also has many doubts about how Azur Lane acquired the empire's technology without them noticing.

Z23: I don't understand anything at all. How is it possible for Azur Lane to have ships with technology from the empire? That kansen, according to the report from the first division, there is no doubt that she is a kansen of Sakura Empire origin.

Nimi had studied the reports and also photographs taken by Kaga and Akagi during the attack on Pearl Harbor. She stopped thinking as she was getting stressed during her break time, so she took the cup of tea and started drinking.

Shigure: What!?

Nimi: (Choking) Cough!

In that moment, Shigure's scream causes Nimi to choke on her tea, and then she looks at Shigure with annoyance.

Shigure: So, that traitor girl defeated Kaga, and not only that, she also easily defeated Zuikaku and Shokaku? That sounds too gruesome to be real.

Ayanami: It's real, I almost peed myself, that kansen is disgustingly powerful.

Yukikaze: (very proudly) If it were up to me, Eagle Union and Royal Navy wouldn't be rivals for me, I would also strike down all those traitors who dare to betray our rising sun empire.

In that moment, Yuudachi chokes from eating too quickly and the girls help her so that she can pass the piece of meat that got stuck in Yuudachi's throat. When everything is over, the girls sigh in relief and Yuudachi starts to speak.

Yuudachi: I'm somewhat jealous of you, Ayanami... you've been able to go to battle, I want to go too.

In that moment, Ayanami remembers all her actions during the beginning of the war and she doesn't feel proud of them at all.

Ayanami: I don't like to fight... I'm just doing what is expected of me.

Ayanami is very sad, but since she is not good at showing emotions, everyone thinks she is just joking.

Shigure: What is expected of you? You are from the demon "The Demon Ayanami"!

Yuudachi hangs onto Ayanami while she touches Ayanami's horns.

Yuudachi: Demon! You have demon horns!

Ayanami: (Uncomfortable) Those are not my horns, those are my ears.

Shigure: However, not only do you have to be strong and skilled, but you also have to possess the blessing of the goddess of fortune like me, the famous IJN Shigure.

Yukikaze: (Look, she won a free ice cream promotion) Oh! I won a promotion!

Those words infuriate Shigure a lot, so she pulls out 10 ice creams out of nowhere.

Shigure: Well, Yukikaze! Let's settle the score once and for all!

Z23: Shut up, I want to eat without interruptions!

In response to Nimi's shout, Shigure had to apologize to Nimi.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Takao practices with the sword. She has her eyes closed, and then a wind blows, causing a group of flower petals to scatter. She opens her eyes and unsheathes her sword, cutting the flower petals. Afterwards, she sheathes her sword, and all the petals are split in half.


At that moment, someone applauds behind Takao. When Takao turns around, she could see Zuikaku.

Zuikaku: Hello Takao, I see you're training as hard as ever.

Takao: Hello Zuikaku-dono, I see that you have returned without any problems.

Zuikaku: Yes, but I can't say that I did it so well out there.

Takao: (Looks at the bandages on Zuikaku's neck.) What happened to your neck?

Zuikaku: (Uncomfortable look) I almost lost my head literally, a pair of scissors armed with two katanas almost blew my head off.

Takao: It must have been very tough for you, no doubt.

Zuikaku: That (battleship/carriers) was very strong, even stronger than Gray Ghost.

Takao nodded and she saw Zuikaku looking a bit down, so she will try to cheer her up.

Takao: I see, Let's go, let's take a walk for a while to stroll.

Zuikaku agrees to Takao's request, so they walk along paths that lead to breathtakingly beautiful places, with bamboo forests, large lakes, and stunning landscapes. Along the way, Zuikaku tells Takao everything that has happened, and Takao simply listens until they stop near a cliff where the entire city of the empire can be seen without any problems.

Zuikaku: (Impotent) I had no chance against that traitorous kansen of the empire... even my sister and I, no matter how hard we attacked her, we couldn't land a single blow... I can't stay like this... I have to become stronger or I won't be able to protect my sister and the others!

Takao sees that Zuikaku is very sad about her terrible debut in the war, so she tries to pat her on the back to cheer her up, but she couldn't gauge her strength correctly and ends up hitting her too hard. Zuikaku falls to the ground from the strong blow she received on her back, and she looks annoyed at Takao.

Zuikaku: What was that? What was that for?

Takao: (Apologizing) Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't measure my strength, I was just trying to give you a pat on the back to cheer you up.

Zuikaku: That hurt me a lot, how strong are you? You just knocked a carrier to the ground with a slap.

Takao: I'm really sorry, but I wanted to tell you that you shouldn't assume all the burden by yourself...

Zuikaku: (Moved by Takao's words) Takao...

Takao extends her hand to help Zuikaku get up.

Takao: We are comrades in arms, right?

Zuikaku takes Takao's hand and Takao helps her stand up, Zuikaku already feels better because of Takao's words of encouragement.


At the dock, Shiranui checks the supplies for Orochi.

Shiranui: (Disgust) Where has that idiot Akashi gone? She's probably playing with a ball of yarn like any cat.


At that moment, Shiranui hears that someone has fallen. When she turns around, she sees Edinburg sprawled on the ground. She had tripped over something and fell to the floor.

Shiranui: Are you okay? By the way, who are you? It's the first time I see you.

Edinburg is in a panic, she had lost her glasses in the fall and without them, she can't see anything. Luckily for her, Sheffy came to her rescue and put Edinburg's mask on her face, saving her skin.

Sheffy: I apologize for the inconvenience caused by my clumsy sister.

Shiranui: No problem.

When they were about to leave, Shiranui stops them.

Shiranui: Excuse me...

Those words made both British girls freeze.

Shiranui: You dropped this...

In Shiranui's hands are Edinburg's glasses, she approaches Shiranui and picks up her glasses, then she bows several times in gratitude and both British girls escape from this place. Shiranui is somewhat puzzled by the behavior of both girls.

To be continued

AZUR LANE: Reincarnated as JS Izumo.(Translate)Where stories live. Discover now