NUKE! [32]

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Orochi was preparing to launch the nuclear missile and everyone was looking at the weapon somewhat confused.

Eugen: That thing looks a lot like the V-2.

Yuudachi: What did you say?

Tester: That is not a bad assumption, Eugen. What you see is a weapon of the future, the concept of that weapon is beyond your common sense.

Meanwhile, Enterprise looks at the missile and she remembers Izumo's words about how this weapon could easily erase the base.

Enterprise: We must stop that weapon.

Izumo: Wait, Enterprise. If we destroy that weapon before its launch, it could erase our entire existence within a range greater than 20 km.

Enterprise: TCH.

Izumo: The only way to prevent the disaster is to intercept the weapon when it is far away from here. Additionally... we cannot attack recklessly for two reasons: The first is that the missile is not the only one Orochi has. What would happen if she has more missiles beneath her deck? An explosion of those things and it's our end. The second reason is that Orochi has Akagi as a hostage.

At that moment, Orochi's missile begins to take off and all the girls see the weapon being fired and they watch in shock as the weapon flies towards Azur Lane's base.

Illustrious: (Worried) What an evil presence.

Enterprise: Izumo, the weapon is already in flight, what are you waiting for to intercept it?

Izumo: We can't do it at such a close distance to the fleet, the shockwave can incapacitate us and leave us at the mercy of the sirens.

Enterprise: (Kicking a siren ship angrily) F*** this s***!

[Censor-chan working to prevent a second raid.]

It goes without saying that the cruise ship, victim of Enterprise's kick, split in half due to the brute force of a Yorktown-class aircraft carrier.

Izumo: (I can actually hack the missile, but if I do that, it wouldn't leave a lasting memory for everyone about the danger of weapons like this, and a similar case like this could happen in the very near future.) Enterprise, I have a great plan to rescue Akagi and stop Orochi. Will you help me?

Enterprise: Whatever you want.

Meanwhile, Wales is deep in thought about where this weapon of mass destruction could fall.

Wales: Where is that thing heading? (Realizes) Impossible! Can it reach the base from this distance?!

Cleveland: Those were really crazy to make this kind of weapon!

Meanwhile, Orochi looks very happy to fire the nuclear missile.

Orochi: Destroy your enemy unilaterally from the farthest possible distance; that is the nature of weapon evolution, the power to annihilate the enemy's headquarters from across the ocean.

Akagi: Yes, the power to repel enemies who seek to interfere with my love.

Meanwhile, the missile continues to fly without realizing that it is in the sights of a Rafale. When the missile was too far from the Red Axis and Azur Lane fleet, the aircraft fired a long-range AAM missile. The missile had no trouble reaching a target that was barely reaching the speed of sound, and it successfully impacts the enemy missile. Before the weapon explodes, the aircraft quickly flees to avoid the EMP wave and the shockwave.

The person who was guiding the missile remotely was surprised by the explosion.

Pury: What!?

AZUR LANE: Reincarnated as JS Izumo.(Translate)Where stories live. Discover now