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After the intense light that blinded us, I felt very cold. I was very scared because I only felt very cold, I couldn't see, I couldn't hear, and I didn't know where I was. In my daze, I only knew that I was lying on something solid and very cold, the surface is so freezing that it burns.

Little by little, as time passed, my senses returned to normal and I could see and hear again. When I looked around, I could see that I was on top of an iceberg.

I am alone, but I am in a freezing place. There is a thick fog that prevents me from seeing into the distance. My radar only gets readings of icebergs, I cannot detect any ships or planes nearby.

Me: I suppose I have to send my planes for exploration.

So I deploy my planes for research, hoping to find my friends.

Me: I hope you find my allies.


Meanwhile, the Azur Lane fleet is assessing damages and treating injuries. On the other hand, the high-ranking girls of the Royal Navy are talking among themselves.

London: Yes, when the special combat zone collapsed, it seems to have caused the rest of the nearby area to become unstable.

Hood: (surprised) Was everything planned by the sirens?

Wales: The Orochi project of the Sakura Empire and that unexpected event where we were transported to another world, it was fortunate that we were able to return to our world without any problems.

QE: In order to thwart the plans of the sirens (Looks at a spatial distortion in the sky), we cannot let the empire escape from this place.

Meanwhile, the girls from Eagle Union are also talking among themselves while watching the spatial distortion.

Columbia: Sister, what is that thing in the sky?

Cleveland: (Not knowing how to react) I'm also asking myself the same question, What is Enterprise doing?

Hornet: My sister is helping to search for the missing ones, don't worry, she is escorted by Belfast and Portland.

Montpelier: Ah, the Maid of the Royal and the feared siscon.

On the other hand, Javelin and Laffey are sailing to reunite with their fleets, they separated after the forced relocation and are now lost. Laffey sneezes due to the excessive cold here.

Javelin: We have separated from our fleet, we must regroup with the fleet as quickly as possible.

Laffey: Okay, I want hot chocolate.

In the midst of a thick mist, Ayanami appears and they stare at each other intently. Ayanami places her hand on the hilt of her sword.

Javelin: Ayanami-chan... 

Both sides stare at each other, but they do nothing and Ayanami gets upset by Javelin and Laffey's inaction. 

Ayanami: Why are you not shooting at me? Why aren't you attacking!?  

Laffey: Then why don't you shoot us?  

Ayanami: I would never attack from behind! Attack! 

Javelin: We don't want to! 

Ayanami: You don't want to? Why not!? 

Javelin: We want to be your friend! 

Ayanami: (shock) What? Do you want to be my friends? (Furious) Our countries are at war! We are enemies! Where do you get all this crap you're saying? If your superiors heard you, they'd be judged as traitors! Are you aware of your words?

AZUR LANE: Reincarnated as JS Izumo.(Translate)Where stories live. Discover now