It's Finally Lunchtime

61 19 47

Sussex County High School

Seaford, Delaware

Michelle was trying to concentrate on her work in Geography class with her teacher, Mr. Jenkins. Her stomach kept grumbling, distracting her. She was looking forward to lunch. She had the first lunch period.

"Michelle, if you don't complete your assignment about the history about Brazil, you're doing it for homework!" Mr. Jenkins warned.

"Sorry, sir!" Michelle said. "Portugal colonized Brazil, so that's why Portuguese is spoken in that country! Don't know why some people think Brazilian people speak Spanish!"

Michelle finally managed to get her work done, and the bell rang. It was now time for lunch. She bolted towards the cafeteria, getting reprimanded by the school custodian, Jasper.

"No running!" He said.

"Sorry, I was just trying to make it here, before a long line formed!" Michelle said, panting heavily, like she just ran a marathon. Chicken patties and mashed potatoes were on the menu. She got her lunch tray, and a carton of chocolate milk. She sat down next to her buddies, Lewis, and Rita.

Michelle loved the cafeteria food.

This story was written on Thursday, February 1st, 2024. (National Freedom Day)

A/N Michelle was so eager to go to lunch!! It's hard to focus on your school work on an empty stomach! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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