You Can't Move Back Into A House You Already Sold! 🤣🤣🤣

12 4 25

Julia Terrace

Middletown, Connecticut

Ariel: *whistling while combing her hair*

Ariel's Mother: *baking chocolate chip cookies* We got milk. *hears a knock on the door* Coming! *walks to the door and opens it, revealing a blond hair woman* Yes?

Blonde Hair Woman: Hi, I used to live here in this house.

Ariel's Mother: Yes, what's your point?

Blonde Hair Woman: I currently live on Ridge Rd, but I made a big mistake. I want to move back in this house.

Ariel: Mom, who's that?

Ariel's Mother: Look, lady, you already moved out of this house. We live here now, okay? We been living here for two years.

Blonde Hair Woman: *sobbing* I want to move back here! Please! *howls like a sad dog*

Ariel: Mom, get her out of here!

Blonde Hair Woman: *still howling sadly*

Ariel's Mother: Get lost, before I call the cops!

Blonde Hair Woman: *still howling sadly*

Cop: Alright, come on! *takes the woman into the cop car*

Blonde Hair Woman: *still howling sadly in the cop car*

Cop: *drives the woman back home*

Ariel: That woman creeped me out!

Ariel's Mother: It's okay, sweetie! She's gone now! She's never coming back again! Cookies are ready!

Ariel: *gets some cookies*

This story was written on Tuesday, February 27th, 2024.

A/N That woman is so stupid! Why would she move back into a home she already sold?! 😅😅😅😅😅😅 Ariel moved into that house back in 2022! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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