The Funny Princess

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Funny Princess: *making silly noises*

Solomon: *laughing*

Funny Princess: *shoves pies in her faces*

Marjorie: She's hilarious!

Funny Princess: *British accent* Thanks, love! I try! *barks like a seal*

Andrea: Wow!

Marjorie: Aren't you supposed to be in school?

Andrea: I'll explain later.

Funny Princess: My favourite colour is red! Is there red ice cream? Do I have to get a bucket of red paint?

Queen: Henrietta, you were supposed to stay in the castle! This is where I find you?!

Funny Princess: Mum, shut up! *whacks the queen with a cartoon mallet*

Queen: *out cold with cartoon stars floating above her and her tongue sticking out*

Funny Princess: Good night, Irene! *turns into an ash pile*

Marjorie: Fun while it lasted! *sweeps up the ash pile*

This story was written on Thursday, February 29th, 2024. (Leap Day)

A/N That princess was hilarious! Shame she got turned into ash! Oh well! 😅😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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