Steven Misses 1988? 🤣🤣🤣

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Steven: 1988! What memories!

Ken: What was so special about 1988?

Steven: I saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit in theaters that year with my parents!

Ken: That's it?

Steven: I was just 7 years old in 1988!

Marjorie: You were just a little peanut! I was 17 at that time! A year later, I graduated high school!

Steven: *snappy* I wasn't talking about 1989, okay?! I miss 1988 so much. That's also the year I went to Disneyland!

Marjorie: No need for the attitude, Steven!

Steven: *mocking* No need for the attitude, Steven!

Marjorie: I'll beat you up!

Steven: You can't! I won't allow it!

Marjorie: *beats up Steven*

Steven: *getting beat up*

Dante: I don't remember 1988 that well. I was only an infant, a year old.

Marjorie: *still beating up Steven*

Steven: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Monday, February 26th, 2024.

A/N Steven, 1988 is all in the past!! I bet you got beat up a lot that year too!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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