Chapter Two

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I was well on the road now, almost completely out of Iowa. I looked ahead and saw a sign that said I was entering Illinois. As I passed it a wave of emotion rolled throughout my body. I didn't know how to feel. So, I did what I always do when I'm under stress. Eat. One thing about me is I love food. So, I popped open a bag of Lay's potato chips, and I munched on them until the bag was empty. Now I feel better. Now that I finished, I decided to blast some tunes. And before I knew it, I was in Indiana. Then a little while later, I entered Ohio, then Pennsylvania, and at last, New Jersey. My new home.

Once I was finally there, I realized it was a whole lot different than Iowa. I looked online at the house and found it wasn't too far from where I was now. So I drove around and searched every block for my new house. And then I found it. I looked up and down, up and down. I was in awe.
Though it was a little - abandoned-looking - it was pretty big for what I paid for it. And I figured I could just fix it up. Not a hard task right? I was going for a vintage, old, mansion vibe. You know, like the ones you see in movies with the fancy maroon wallpaper everywhere?

But after I got a fair amount done, I was exhausted. So, I just laid down for the night. But just as I was almost into my bed, I heard some noises, as if there was a draft in the house, but I remembered as I was cleaning up around the house, I had closed all the windows. So what was making those noises? I went to investigate. I walked out into the living room, peaked through the archway, and I saw it. A tall, teal, misty figure that appeared to be male. And also appeared to be slowly floating around the room! I froze, even though only his back was facing me, I was still terrified. I had never seen anything like him. Was he a ghost? I was so shocked and confused, I could barely think. My heart was pounding and skipping multiple beats. But when he turned around, I gasped at the sight of his face.

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