Chapter Three

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I just simply couldn't believe how amazing he looked. He was the most attractive man - or ghost - I have ever seen. Suddenly, he spoke. "Oh, so you're the new owner. I like what you've done with the place. Those cobwebs gave me the ick."
Oh, his voice! It was amazing, yet indescribable!
"Uhhh, yeah! I am! And who might you be?"
"They call me Jacob."
"Well Mister Jacob, this is my house, and I don't remember the contract saying anything about paranormal beings."
I tried to play it cool, but inside, I was totally freaking out! I was talking to a gorgeous ghost man! How couldn't I be a nervous wreck?!
He then responded, "Oh, well, too bad! I live here, and you can't just kick me out!"
Oh, he was right. But not in the way he was thinking. I couldn't kick my dream guy to the curb, even if he was teal. "Well, I guess you can stay."
"Really?!" he said. Then kind of choked on his words, "Oh... Uhhh, I mean, yeah! Obviously I'm staying!"
I just rolled my eyes at that boy.
"Well, I will get back to my beauty sleep now, if you don't mind," I said sarcastically, "and I don't plan on waking up again until the sun rises."
"Okay, goodnight princess."

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