Chapter Six

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We went to the mall. I needed some new shoes and blush. So I went into a shoe store and found the cutest sandals ever. So we went to the register, checked out, and headed to the makeup store. Jacob held my hand and this time it didn't feel cold this time... maybe I was just hallucinating heat? "What else did you say you needed?" Jacob asked, I responded "Blush."
So we went over to Ulta. I looked up at Jacob and asked him, "Wouldn't people have freaked out by now that I'm holding hands with a pale, floating figure?"
He responded, "Well, I kind of forgot to tell you, but you're the only person who can see me."
Oh. That's news. It makes sense though. And that's actually good because I'm sure a lot of girls would have been terrified but falling head over heels by now. Just the thought of how amazing he was made me blush. I saw out of the corner of my eye him looking at me, smiling warmly. He very subtly laughed, and said,
"I don't think you need any blush."
Fudge, was I really blushing like crazy in the middle of a makeup store? This is so embarrassing. So, I did the only logical thing to do: Found the nearest concealer tester, dabbed some on, and blended it out. I looked in one of the store mirrors, and I looked normal again. Thank God. Jacob looked at me with this perplexed look on his face.
"What was that about?"
"Are you sure? Because I don't think it was just nothing."  He smirked.
Here we go with the sarcasm again.
"Shut up." I said.
"Make me."
"Stop being childish."
"Someone's getting feisty."
"Stop it!"
"Fine, princess."
Oh my gosh! This dude is so annoying! I wish he would just float off somewhere!

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