Chapter Four

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It was morning. And when I woke up, I smelled something amazing. And when I opened my eyes to see Jacob floating over me with French toast, topped with blueberries, strawberries, whipped cream, and is that powdered sugar?
He grinned warmly and said, "Good morning, princess."
That voice again. Sarcastic yet glorious. And I could say the same thing about the French toast. Glorious again. "Well, handsome, you sure caught me by surprise! And look at that French toast! I didn't know you were a chef!"
He handed them to me gently. While doing so I accidentally touched his hand. It was so cold. We both let out an "Ah!"
Wait why was he making a noise?
"Hey, that hurt, missy!" He said to me.
"How did it hurt you?"
"Whenever I come in contact with human skin, it burns a bit. Since I'm so cold, your people are very hot to me."
"Ohh, sorry."
"It's okay. You didn't know."
"Well, on another note, thanks for the breakfast, Jacob. That was a very sweet gesture."
He grinned once again and took off down the hall outside of my bedroom door.
Ah, what a nice guy... Oh! Back to the French toast. I took a bite, and oh my, was it amazing! He's going to have to cook for me more often! I finished and went downstairs, still in my nightgown. I saw him sitting (actually slightly hovering) on a chair in the kitchen. He looked at me and his jaw dropped. He just looked up and down at me. "Well, hello gorgeous."
"You look awfully nice."
He had already seen me this morning. Why didn't he say this before? And I just woke up, too.
"Why didn't you tell me that when I was in bed?"
"Because I could only see your upper half."
Oh, right! I had the blanket over me at the time.
"Oh, well I'd better go get ready."
"Ok, gorgeous."
He cheekily smirked at me.
Ugh, he's so annoying. But cute at the same time. UGHH! Why does he make me feel like this?! I don't like it but I like it at the same time. It's like I can't make up my mind whether to hate him or like him!
I'll just decide later. After I'm ready for the day.

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