Chapter 12

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I don't feel like finishing the Halloween part so I'm just going to skip it and go to a different part.

Taylor swift blared through the radio as I was packing my suitcase. It's the end of February and we're all going on a little trip to Dallas for NCA aka one of the biggest cheer competitions. I made a packing list to ensure I don't forget anything.

I'm also marinating in self tanner so I don't look pale on stage. The light really wash you out.

"Oh my god you look like Donald trump" I whip my head around to see Trevor standing in the doorway laughing. "Trevor!" I yell at him and he walks away laughing still.

"It dosent look that bad. I promise." I hear from behind. I immediately knew it was Jack from the sound of his voice. He comes over and sits beside me.

"Jack I look orange." I say avoiding eye contact. He reaches his hand out and brushed a stray piece of hair out id my face. "Still look pretty to me" he says with a dorky smile on his face. When I saw it one spread on my face to.

We stayed like that, staring into eachothers eyes for a moment before we were interrupted. "Yo love birds we leave in 10, get your shit packed." Luke said leaning into the door frame pointing at us.

"Ok well I'm all packed but I need to go wash off my self tanner. I'll see u in a little." I say getting up and walking into my bathroom. I tie my hair up and stand under the water till it runs clean.

I get out and wrap myself in a towel while I rinse my face in the sink. I then quickly change and let my hair out before walking out to grab my suitcase. "I got it julia don't worry." Quinn said as I wheeled my suitcase out the door. "Thanks Quinny" I say while walking down the stairs. I put my shoes on and we all pile into the car and make our way to the airport.


We finally make it to our gate after an hour drive and another hour waiting in the TSA line. Quinn went to grab everyone Starbucks since we had about an hour till the plane boards. I pull out my book if only I had told her and start reading it.i absolutely loved the first book of the series so I know I'll love this.

I'm so focused on the book that I didn't even realize Quinn was standing right in front of me holding my drink. "Oh I'm so sorry Quinn I didn't see u there." I say while closing my book and grabbing my drink. "Your good don't worry about it." He said taking a seat beside Luke. There's only 20 minutes until we board so I decide to put my book away.

I look over to see Jack on his phone so I lean over and he's watching a movie. "Here" he says handing me one of his AirPods. I lean my head on his shoulder to get a better view and see that he's watching a Spider-Man movie. I won't complain though tom holland is hot.


We're finally on the plane and I get the window seat, luke beside me and Quinn beside him. Then it's Ellen, Jack, Trevor, and then Jim is in the aisle seat behind Quinn.

I put my AirPods in and scroll for a movie to watch. I find the new Willy wonka movie with Timothée Chalamet and decide to watch that. Every so often luke would lean his head on my shoulder and move around sayjng "he's too tall for this"

I finish that movie and there's still some time left so I start another movie. It's called A Cinderella story. The one with Chad Michael-Murray in it. Damn I am lucking out with hot men in movies today. I get about halfway through that when we land.

We all get off and get into the rental car we have for the weekend and drive to our hotel. There are connecting rooms. In the one room is Ellen and Jim and Jack and Trevor, and in the other room is luke and Quinn and me. I get my own bed, of course.

We DoorDash a pizza and Ellen and Jim head out to eat. We all go into our room and watch a movie. Luke and Quinn on one bed and me Jack and Trevor on the other. We turn in the hunger games and eat pizza. I decide to change into my pjs, which consist of shorts and a sports bra with a tank top over.

I grab my things and go to the bathroom. I also wash my face and brush my teeth while I'm in there and come back out to all the boys under the blanket and Trevor taking up most of my bed.

Jack has a sympathetic look in his eyes, but a smirk on his lips. He lifts the blanket for me to come lay beside him, but since Trevor is a bed hog, I'm basically on top of him. Neither one of us complaining though.

I get in and he lays the blanket over me and wraps his arm around my waist. Our legs are touching cause we're so close, and to make matters worse, he uses his other hand to grab some of my hair and play with it.

I just smile to myself. Me and Jack have been getting a lot closer these past few months, and I can't complain. I'm really starting to like him. A lot. And I think it's safe to say he likes me too. After about another half an hour everyone else is sleeping besides me and Jack.

"I've been wanting to do this all night." He whispers and I look up at him confused. He slowly lowers his head and connects his lips with mine and a sweet kiss. We've been doing that a lot recently too.

After a few seconds he pulls away and just smiles at me and I smile back. He reached over and turns the light off and pulls me closer. "Goodnight Jules, I can't wait to watch you tommorow." He whispers.

"Goodnight Jack, I can't wait to look for you in the crowd." I say before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Sorry it's taken a while to get another chapter out I've been so busy recently but big time jump here. Also sorry if there any mistakes with spelling I didn't feel like checking it.

But if u have any suggestions of what u want to see lmk and I'll see what I can do.

Hope you enjoy

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