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The hug between me and my mother felt so long but yet so short. Her warmth truly made me feel loved and safe with her.

It all ended when a gunshot went off


My heart dropped so low just getting ready to feel the pain from the bullet going through. But after a few seconds I felt nothing, maybe one of my man shot their gun on accident

And I was just overthinking. When my mothers are aren't wrapped around me anymore. I felt as her figure slowly went downwards.

I caught her as blood was coming out of her mouth. We both ended up on the floor, she was bleeding out badly. I just thought to myself. NO NO no this can't be happening.

Jake- NO.... No... no no no

Who did this!? As I shifted me head to look up, my heart dropped once again.

My father....

He had a gun aimed at us as I pleaded for my mother to respond to me. She was unconscious but I didn't care. I pleaded and pleaded for her to wake up but after a bit no response.


I was yelling at the top. Letting my anger out, and he stood there in front of me with the biggest smirk. Him and his shadow over powered me. I felt defeated once again, I failed to protect my mom.

I felt so stupid and afraid

I was pressing down on my mother bullet womb to stop it from bleeding, but yet again I could only do so much to help her. As a second went by time was being wasted and I knew she could be gone anytime now.

Father- I never wanted you born. But yet again I was slightly happier you were a boy, someone to take the throne right. But you became useless, never did things my way. I hated that and so min just was the better son.
Jake- I won't regret doing things my way. I eventually became more successful than you! I always thought why you never loved but now I don't need you or your love. But for you to come and take away one of the most precious people from me! You're gonna suffer and rot in hell.

Father- you'll be gone first

There was no way I could defend myself at this point so I just accepted the moment. I hugged my mothers lifeless body since it was already too late to try and save her. Closed my eyes and got ready.

Then waited to hear the gun to go off. But then nothing, I opened my eyes to see my father aiming the gun somewhere else.

I looked to the way and see y/n aiming a gun at my father. They were having this intense battle, I was covered with blood everywhere and I was hurting so bad right now.

Father- She was my main target, the one all along to kill her. You could've been more without this bitch.
Y/n- and you could've been a better dad, but yet then seeing one of your sons do better than you in business and get all the deals truly bothered you. Step up your game next time!
Father- you just run your mouth, this is why you lost the baby HAHHA!

I saw the anger in y/ns eye, but especially loosing a mother was one of the worst pains anyone could experience. I was crying with blood all over my face.

My father then slowly aimed the gun at me which made y/n try and cover me. I thought he would shoot me but he tricked y/n and shot her twice.

My eyes widened at the view right in front of me. I gasped like I couldn't breath, I yelled no so many times. I kept going back in forth not knowing who to hold.

My mother or y/n


I was soaked in blood from both of them. I felt useless, everything he said about me felt so true. All the insults felt like knifes stabbing me all over my body.

I was waiting for my turn. For him to shoot me in the head like he wished too. " I've won again jake, maybe next time listen to the boss " my father said

He put the gun on my forehead, Rifht as I looked up at him. I didn't want him to be the last person I see before I die but I didn't want to look weak to him.


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