Zoo Fun Run

68 2 22

7 Feb 2024

Currently sitting on the tram heading back home after I completed a massive fun run in my city this evening that went through the zoo!! It was so much fun but a lot of it was uphill (ouch) and although it was 7pm when it started the sun was still SO HOT cause daylight savings! At least I saw some Lions and Tasmanian Devils on my run! (You don't say that every day haha)

I don't really have friends or anything so I went by myself and I'm so glad I pushed myself to do so because now I have zero regrets! Can't wait to go do another one! I was tossing up whether to go cause my health hasn't been at it's best so I didn't know if I'd be okay but I told myself I'd take it super slow if need be but I ended up surprising myself with how well I went! It was the most painful run I've done in a while and I felt sick at the end but I'm glad I did it :)

The run was also on the opposite side of the city to where I now live, it was over the side I used to live on which I hadn't been to in like 3 years and it made me feel so nostalgic I miss that side of the city so much! I feel like when I next move I need to move back! The vibe is so me!

How was y'all's day? Or if it's just starting, what are your plans?

I'm looking forward to being home in the hot shower and going to bed haha