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27 Feb 2024

Hey readers <3 aka my homie Abru HAAHA ILY4eva <3 but also I know a few more of y'all be silent readers expose yourselves LMAO jk idm only if u want💗💗🫶
Todaaayyy I went and got an ultrasound on my heart which was funnn .. I usually have girls doin these kinda tests cos u gotta get nakey but today I had a guy LOOOL it's been a while since a guy seen my boobs LMAO but he was sweet! I've been having a lotttta health issues and ongoing pain that we don't quite know what is wrong cos we not sure if it's my heart or stomach yet but I'm doing some more tests and sadly one of them involves taking a new medication for 2 months and waiting to see what happens once I stop taking it after those 2 months lmao I feel like a little science experiment <3 but actually yesterday I went to a dr who actually listened to me and made me feel comfortable and is actually doing something about all this instead of just living in pain and hoping that I survive another day AHAHAH nah im sure I'll be right

I hope y'all have been enjoying my writing lately <3
I've been posting some of them on tumblr as I made a tumblr acc like 8 days ago or somethin and I currently have 98 followers on there (hopefully by the time y'all read this it'll have reached 100 hahaha)
ALSOOOO sonce wattpad is where all the writing originates I'm continuing writing on here every day and today is 96 days in a row... ALMOST AT 100 yippeeee ... time flies my broskis

anyways that's all for today (maybe)

I hope y'all are doing well ily ily ily goooodnight (it's only 6.30pm LOL a bitch is tired)